Topic: Light bulb fyi

I was listening too some newscast and heard that the govenment is phasing out our 75watt light bulbs,I do not like this.I am going too buy some extra ones when I go too the store as I do not like too try and read with the other bulbs,I am also wondering what other new laws the government is going too impose on us.

my papy said son your going too drive me too drinking if you dont stop driving that   Hot  Rod  Lincoln!! Cmdr cody and his lost planet airman

Re: Light bulb fyi

What an odd thing to be getting rid of. Why 75 watts? That's our gubment at work.

Keep Rockin!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: Light bulb fyi

This is what they have to spend their time on.  They haven't passed a budget in three years and they're worried about stinking light bulbs.

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude

Re: Light bulb fyi

It's the start of removing incandesent bulbs from the market place. They are the least energy effcient bulbs produced. Check out the cost of LED's which will be the new replacements. LED's are suppose to give you way more life and use less energy but cost are high. I have been stocking up on the cheaper bulbs myself.


Re: Light bulb fyi

candle power was good enough to write the Declaration of independence,Magna carta,Emancipation proclamation not to mention the bill of rights and a few others,good thoughts dont need much ilumanation only comprehension.

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: Light bulb fyi

Zurf wrote:

This is what they have to spend their time on.  They haven't passed a budget in three years and they're worried about stinking light bulbs.

Thats pretty bad,they can not get a budget,it is almost time again and they may raise the debt ceiling again which will but us in dire straights,I have also heard they will phase all old style light bulbs out soon for the expensive and not so bright bulbs.

my papy said son your going too drive me too drinking if you dont stop driving that   Hot  Rod  Lincoln!! Cmdr cody and his lost planet airman

Re: Light bulb fyi

dino48 wrote:
Zurf wrote:

This is what they have to spend their time on.  They haven't passed a budget in three years and they're worried about stinking light bulbs.

Thats pretty bad,they can not get a budget,it is almost time again and they may raise the debt ceiling again which will but us in dire straights,I have also heard they will phase all old style light bulbs out soon for the expensive and not so bright bulbs.

They're already three months late.  The federal government fiscal year runs from October to September.  They've been running without a budget since October 1, just extending the previous year's budget, which was also just an extension of the previous year's budget.  The last fiscal year to be operating with a budget was President Bush's final budget that was in operation when President Obama started.

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude

Re: Light bulb fyi

It looks like they did agree on a few important items, 1.extending unemployment benifits for several million people 2.not raising taxes on anyone who earns less then $400.00 a year and insuring that the price of milk will not double these and a few stop gap measures were reluctantly approved by the lamest congress in decades but there is still a lot of work to be done on the budget,unemployment,debt celing and a host of other issues.

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: Light bulb fyi

Russell_Harding wrote:

It looks like they did agree on a few important items, . . . 2.not raising taxes on anyone who earns less then $400.00 a year . . .

Sorry, but that's not correct.  The payroll tax cuts were allowed to expire, which means your taxes will go up if you earn MUCH less than $400K per year.

BUT, I guess it depends on how we want to look at it.  If we had a cut, and no longer have a cut, is that an "increase"?  In my tiny little mind that's a yes.

Here's a pretty good breakdown. … holds.html

But back on topic, the light bulb thing is being touted as a green energy initiative, but IMO it's all about political backscratching.  I won't get into details because it infuriates me too much, but one of the big political bankrollers is General Electric.  They stand to "benefit" (understatement intended) from this light bulb issue.

"Just because you've always done it that way doesn't mean it's not incredibly stupid." - Despair, Inc.