Topic: A good day
Yesterday (Sunday the 2nd) I was sitting in the Jr. Highschool Gym while my son had backet ball pratice for his youth legue. I see a kid about 13 or 14 walk in with his mom and pop carying a acoustic. I keep watching my son, but as I hear him playing Marcie Playground's sex and candy,
( ) Im pretty impressed. Mainly cause he is too young to have known about this song except from his parents. After listening to him a few more min, I asked him if he knew how to play All along the Watch tower and Hey Joe. He said no, I said I can teach you in 5 min. It was cool. We sat on the bleachers and I showed him how to play the rythm for the two songs (which he had never heard) taught him the Pentatonic scale, which he was using in the marcy playground song and didnt know what it was) and showed him barr chord tricks and root 5ths, and taught him some finger excersizes. He was like a sponge. just absorbing it like crazy. It felt good to be able to show the kid things he didnt know. He is teaching himself primarily from you tube and learning from his cowboy church band.
He is only here every 2 weeks, So I told him I would be sure to remember to bring my guitar and Ill show him some more stuff.
Just thought Idd share.
– George Lynch 2013 (Dokken, Lynchmob, KXM, Tooth & Nail etc....)