Topic: friends of chordie

When i log onto foc there are 4 song titles in the right top corner which i have enjoyed listening to. Are these the only songs posted at the moment or do i have to click on something to hear more?
I'm sorry if this a stupid question but as well as learning guitar, im also learning computers!!!he,he

Re: friends of chordie

Hi Christine,

This has been said before but no question is stupid. It is only stupid NOT to ask if you do not know.

Unfortunately MySpace will only allow four songs to be uploaded. My policy has been to remove the oldest one when a new one is presented to me so the earlier offerings have been removed.

I did give you links to Jeff (Jets60)'s and Mark (Bud_wiser)'s MySpace site in a reply to your posting on the Songwriter's section and they, along with James, were the main contributers.

James should have his MySpace open shortly and I hope he will put some of his earlier songs on there.


"Do, or do not; there is no try"

Re: friends of chordie

thankyou for reply Roger, didn't want to think i was missing something!! I really like that picking pattern you told me about the other week, been practicing that on quite a few songs.

Re: friends of chordie

It is a pleasure to be able to help a lady,


"Do, or do not; there is no try"