Topic: Is it too much to ask
for a little guitar time?
For the past year it seems like I can't squeeze out an hour to play. Two nights a week are a regularly scheduled interruption, so I know I won't be playing those nights. Any other night I should be able to, but something always jumps in and takes my time. I've been getting home a little later than I'd like to so that pushes everything else back also. Tonight I had to do some invoices so I can get paid and figure out a lumber list for a patio cover after I got home at 6pm. Off to do the dishes after I write this. All last week I had to deal with the stupid new cable boxes and re-programming our universal remote. That took a lot of time. My son goes to bed at 8:30, so by the time I get home, eat, and deal with other stuff it's already almost 9pm. There just aren't enough hours in the day. URGH!!!!!!
Thanks for letting me rant!!!!
(I could have been playing instead of posting this)