Hi boxer - what a marvelous plan and you have plenty of time, so - write your daddy a song!
It need not be fancy or arty . . . just a few simple lines that convey your love and happiness. A 3-chord ditty would be delightful and as long as it is his first birthday party, you might as well give him a present that nobody else can give.
If you have never written a song before - DON'T PANIC! It is not so hard and there are plenty of participants in the Songwriting forum who would be glad to assist.
Think about it . . . mull the benefits . . . debate the issues . . . ponder the consequences . . . .
OK - enough of that! - - - now start thinking about your daddy, and jot down some words and phrases. Your song is already started!
"That darn Pythagorean Comma thing keeps messing me up!"