Topic: Instrument Changes

Pity poor Martin Waugh, guitarist for Mika. On the live 'Love Today' he starts out on acoustic for the strongly strumming intro, then it's off and over his head and a roadie drops a Fender strat type onto him in  time for some harmonic riffs, then as we enter the bridge it's time for guitar number 3, a big black Gibson type that lays down some fast funk barres. All in the course of one song and nobody appreciates the professionalism since all eyes are on Mika.

Anyone know of other guitarists changing instrument like this over the course of one song. Double headed axe's don't qualify.

'The sound of the city seems to disappear'

Re: Instrument Changes

I saw Nickle Creek play a few weeks ago.  They just had a rack with about a dozen different instruments on it on stage.  Picked and played what they wanted.

Must be nice.

Someday we'll win this thing...


Re: Instrument Changes

Years ago I was at a Yes concert and the guitarist Steve Howe had a stand witch had three guitars conected to it and with a quick turn he could swich guitars with what seemed to be relitive ease.

what a long strange trip it's been

Re: Instrument Changes

As mentioned by patrickjacques many of guitarst use a stand that allows them to play an acoustic when needed for a part of the particular song and then switch back to the original guitar. I have only seen this done with the electric as the main guitar but there is no reason why it cant be the opposite.


Re: Instrument Changes

On the song Venice Queen by red hot chili peppers John Frusciante starts off on an electric and has an acoustic on a stand infront of him. All he does is turn his electric down so there is no unwanted noise and then flips it over his shoulder and starts playing the acoustic. You can see it on Live At Slane Castle.
