Topic: I'm back

In case you didn't notice that I was gone, I took my family on a vacation trip.  We drove through or stayed in (*) the following states and province: Virginia, West Virginia*, Kentucky, Indiana*, Illinois, Missouri*, Illinois* again, Iowa (forgot that one on facebook update), Indiana again, Michigan*, Ontario*, New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, and home to Virginia.  The total pulling my camper trailer was 2,516 miles (measured by GPS).  For my European friends, that's roughly 4500 km.  We had seven travel days out of twenty one, meaning an average of two days per location.  However, it was not equally distributed.  Some of the stays were measured in hours rather than days.  We set up camp, slept, ate a quick meal, broke camp and then moved on.  Two stays included wonderful luxury, air-conditioned condominiums that could not be beat (thanks to the generosity of my brothers-in-law).  There were a lot of injuries, with me sustaining roughly half of them and two of the three most severe. They are mostly healed now and were a bit of a blessing in disguise as they forced me to think outside the box for activities to do.  We had a lot of fun visiting touristy areas during the work week (for most people).  Several locations really surprised us with how much fun we had and how long we stayed.  The two most memorable are the Mississippi River Museum and Aquarium and Greenfield Village.  We also had a great day knocking about Galena, Illinois for a day window shopping and bike riding along the Galena River. 

Almost all locations were selected for being near water, but because one of the injuries I sustained was a large third degree burn, I had to keep the raw flesh clean to avoid infection, which meant no open water.  So no fishing.  Bummer, but as I said it forced us to do different things than we would have usually done, which was fun. 

So - my best to all and I will now rejoin the fray. 

- Zurf

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude

Re: I'm back

Welcome back, welcome back, w e l c o m e  b a c k............

kinda like welcome back cotter,   

badeye    cool

one caper after another

Re: I'm back

Welcome back Zurf!  Do you feel the need to have a vacation from the vacation, or did you actually relax a little?  Did all the kids survive or did you end up tying them to the roof on the final ride home?  smile  Glad you had a good time, minus the injuries of course!

Art and beauty are in the eyes of the beholder.
What constitutes excellent music is in the ears of the listener.

Re: I'm back

Welcome back Zurf. We did miss you! I hope you had a guitar with you on vacation?

Re: I'm back

Yeah, I was thinking about you a day or two ago, wondering how you were doing. Its always nice to get back home.

You can see all my video covers on [url][/url]
I have finally found happiness in my life.  Guitars, singing, beer and camping.  And they all intertwine wonderfully.

Re: I'm back

Wecome back Zurf. Looks you you could do with a vacation to recover from the vacation!!


"Do, or do not; there is no try"

Re: I'm back

I will be pleased to get back to work.  The trailer is need of a bit of maintenance, but no repairs, which testifies to the quality of Fleetwood products.  Most automotive products are built with an expected life of eight to ten years.  This thing is now 13 years old and with proper maintenance should continue to serve us for a good while longer.  My truck is another story.  The engine and transmission seem to be fine - though I'm going to have the transmission checked and serviced as preventive care - but the interior has a ferocious funk.  It hasn't got THE funk, which would be a good thing, but is putting up A funk which is not. 

Yes, I had a guitar and even the temerity to play Gordon Lightfoot songs at a campground in Ontario, Canada with Budreiaux the competent French-Canadian listening in.  I don't know what his right name was, but if it wasn't Budreiaux (or however "Boo-dro" is spelled) it would be a shame. 

I am used to playing guitar at a campground and people falling on by, sharing a glass of wine or a beer, and hanging out for a time.  Sometimes they'll take a turn, or if they don't play will perhaps sing a folk song they know.  In all the time we were out, not one person came on by.  I blame this on the drought that seems to have affected the entire eastern U.S. and southcentral Canada.  Because of the drought, campfires were not permitted anywhere we stayed.  Without the fires inviting camaraderie, there were no visits.  The closest I got to a visit was a gentleman with a pipe stopped to listen from a nearby path, then nodded as recognition at the end of the song. 

- Zurf

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude

Re: I'm back

Sounds like you had fun despite the injuries. Funny how most vacations aren't really "vacations". They're chock full of things to see and do so you get caught up in those and don't get a chance to relax. But I'm sure it beat the heck out of being at work.

Don't get me started on Fleetwood! I used to work in the travel trailer division about 12 years ago.

Keep Rockin!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: I'm back

Glad your vacation was good. Hope you heal fast. Nothing can be worse than being hurt or sick on vacation

Enjoy Every Sandwich
Nothing In Moderation  -- Live Fast. Love Hard. Die Young And Leave A Beautiful Corpse. -- Buy It Today. Cry About It Tomorrow.

Re: I'm back

You might have built my camper zguitar.  Wouldn't that be cool?  It's a Coleman Utah (which was built by Fleetwood).  On line I see a lot of things that people claim to have wrong with this model, from the ABS roofs breaking and they don't track properly and such.  It does fishtail a bit at speed, but I can usually go the speed limit or close to it which is good enough for me.  If not, I could always have a stabilizer put on.  The ABS roof is in good shape, but I keep it treated with a UV protectant and under a breathable UV protecting tarp when stored, so that probably has something to do with it.  Most kayaks I can afford are ABS plastic, and so I am familiar with how to maintain them. 

Regardless of what it was like to work for the folks, my camper is going strong.  I am entertained by one thing - the emergency escape notices.  The thing is tented plywood held together with staples, velcro, bungee cords, and glue.  If someone has to be told how to get out of it in an emergency it must not be much of an emergency! 

- Zurf

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude

Re: I'm back

Good too see you back zurf,glad you had a good time despite a little trouble.

my papy said son your going too drive me too drinking if you dont stop driving that   Hot  Rod  Lincoln!! Cmdr cody and his lost planet airman

Re: I'm back

Zurf wrote:

Regardless of what it was like to work for the folks, my camper is going strong.  I am entertained by one thing - the emergency escape notices.  The thing is tented plywood held together with staples, velcro, bungee cords, and glue.  If someone has to be told how to get out of it in an emergency it must not be much of an emergency! 

- Zurf

Coleman was a diff division in another location.  I was a drafter for Fleetwood so I didn't actually build them, just drew plans on a computer. If you notice all the little warning labels, realize they are there because someone did what they are telling you not to do.

Keep Rockin!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: I'm back

Welcome back Zurf, glad you had good time and your burn injury did not prevent your playing.

Re: I'm back

Well at least you made it back in one piece Derek.  I'm assuming you applied liberal amounts of alcohol to the injury (taken internally of course). 

I decided to get my annual injury done before leaving for my next trip.  Pulled something in my back while moving coolers and yaks around in the garage and spent 10 days on prescription steroids, pain killers and muscle relaxers.  Back is feeling well enough now to spend 6 hours around a campfire last night picking music with members of 2 bluegrass bands. ( And consuming liberal doses of adult beverages just in case the pain came back).  Jen and I are leaving Friday for 10 days in Florida visiting the oldest daughter and 3 grandkids, then return to spend a few days in Akron with our youngest daughter so we can be there when our newest grandson is born. On August 28th I leave for a two week canoe trip in the Boundary Waters. I haven't made any definite plans after that, although I'd like to get in a couple of multi-day trips on the New river this fall.  This retirement gig is tough ............


I want to read my own water, choose my own path, write my own songs

Re: I'm back

That sounds like a bad pull D.E.  I did in fact use a fair bit of medicinal bourbon.  There were wineries all over in Missouri, Illinois, and Ontario.  We only made it to one winery in Missouri, and it was without question the oddest winery to which I've ever been.  There was a clothing optional pool at it.  We opted for "with".  However, the view of the lake was unrivaled. 

That kind of trip schedule doesn't sound like anything new, though it's nice that Jen will get to accompany you for some of it. 

- Zurf

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude