Topic: Valdosta, Georgia or Bust

My wife and I are driving to Valdosta, GA today to retrieve my son from his four week stint at the Governor's Honors Program. This program is for high-achieving high school kids and is super tough to get into. Only 700 kids from across the state. He is having a ball there and we are convinced we will have a different son when we get him back. His participation in this program will pay HUGE dividends throughout his life.

Anyway, Valdosta, GA is about a five hour drive south of where I type this post - straight down I-75, almost to Florida and a very hot place. Maybe I'll throw a guitar in the car and pretend to be a traveling musician.

Kids are the best. Enjoy them if you got them.

Re: Valdosta, Georgia or Bust

Congrats on your son's being chosen to attend and have a safe trip.  You are right, he will have changed; if for no other reason than having been away from you guys and kind of on his "own" for awhile.  They grow up soooooo fast!  Enjoy them while you have them at home.  In no time he will be off to whatever life has in store for him.

Find a Path or Make One    This is a motto I have been following my entire life and one I am currently using with my music.
Big Jim from Ashville Ohio

Re: Valdosta, Georgia or Bust

Congratulations on that. 4 weeks away must seem like forever..So glad your son was picked for the program.

Enjoy Every Sandwich
Nothing In Moderation  -- Live Fast. Love Hard. Die Young And Leave A Beautiful Corpse. -- Buy It Today. Cry About It Tomorrow.

Re: Valdosta, Georgia or Bust

I used to live in Valdosta!!!!! My dad was stationed at Moody AFB. Being from California, I hated it there. Couldn't wait to get out of the sticks and back to civilization. That was back in '88-'89 when I was 13. My dad and I had some of the best fishing trips ever in Valdosta. Nice place to be from, but could never live there again.

Congrats to you and your smarty pants son!

Keep Rockin!!!!!!!!!!!