Topic: "He's called Mick Jagger"
At the end of the semester, we were reading "Slaughter House Five" by Kurt Vonnegut, and my teacher showed us a letter that Vonnegut wrote to the chairman of a school board in North Dakota. The chairman had ordered the student's copies of Vonnegut's book to be burned because he considered novel obscene (I thought "Slaughter House Five" was one of the greatest books I've ever read!).
What does this have to do with guitars? Well, Vonnegut's letter came from a website called "Letters of Note." Today, I was reading some of the other letters on this site and found one written by an 18 year old kid named Keith Richards, who is telling his aunt about a new friend who loves Chuck Berry as much as he does. I bet a lot of you guys already know who this new friend is, but I didn't, and it was neat-o to read about it.
Here's the link to the letter: … agger.html
I was impressed with how charming and witty Keith's writting is. Nowadays, he seems to have a reputation as a mumbing kook (a la, Johhny Depp in "Priates of the Carribbean), but this gives me a whole new perspective on his unique personality.
Does anyone have any stories about how young musicians met up and formed legendary bands? I love the conversations we have on this forum and I always learn a lot from you guys. Thanks!