Topic: NGD x8
First off, they are not mine so don't think I'm spoiled or lucky. One of our volunteer ladies at the after school program somehow got in contact with an older guy who was trying to sell his music shop to retire. Long story short, she picked up 8 guitars and 3 accessory kits(stand,strings,tuner,strap,picks) for really cheap. They are Stagg brand guitars. 3/4 size. Yesterday was kind of a busy day so I didn't get a chance to handle one. But I will! We were gonna hang them on the wall but she didn't get the right hooks. I would love to start something up on a regular basis but can only be there 1 afternoon a week and that's when I run the bike club. It's a shame to let them hang on the wall and collect dust. I'll have to do some hard thinking.