Topic: Quotes: Where did they come from. Why you use them.
A lot of us have a quote on their post`s. Some are from famous people.Some I would imagine are self thought up(for lack of a better way of putting it). Where did the quote come from and what does it mean to you. Mine "ENJOY EVERY SANDWICH" is a book by Dr Lee Lipsenthal. I have never read the book myself,But it basically means to treat every day like it`s your last. I first heard it from my greatest influence and idol. The late Warren Zevon. He said it on his last appearance on the David Letterman show. It always stood out in my mind and I use it all the time. So to everyone "Enjoy every sandwich". Make today a great day.I have a lot to be thankful for and I try to remember it all the time. Nothing to do with food or sandwiches. Where did you all get your quotes? How and why, what significance?
Nothing In Moderation -- Live Fast. Love Hard. Die Young And Leave A Beautiful Corpse. -- Buy It Today. Cry About It Tomorrow.