Topic: local music store

I am happy to report that my small town of Mineral Wells TX now has a music store.  I am wishing him good vibes and luck.  Our town is not known for fostering shops like this. 

Most of what people  in my town concider a place to buy a guitar is Garrets Pawn shop.
( they sell Kona and bunches of other low line brands and charge too much for name brands) and overprice their strings. 

Up untill now the only other option was drive 20 miles to the next town and up untill three years ago only had one choice of stores, Who just so happened to snatch up all the major brands and somehow got it so that no other shop in a 50 or so mile radious can be an "authorized dealer" for Fender or Gibson along with many others. (Somehow that just goes against my idea of Free enterprise) And they also over price their stuff. Ex- Strings 2 for 1,, 22 bucks! Really???? for GHS or Dean Markley???? (and the employ's are kind of shall we say arrogant about their shop, w/ the exception of the old guy who repairs vintage amps and effects)  So I dont go there unless I absoultly have to. 

The other store in that town is a very good set up and all the guys are cool and priced very well and where I spent a lot of $$ in the last two years.

The new local store is pretty modest, about 15 or 20 used guitars on the wall and all priced at a very affordable level and some used amps.  He does repairs, is a musician, and has lessons.  I took my boys in there to meet him, and we ended up just jamming around for about an hour or so, and he was showing me and the boys stuff.  We had fun and the boys want lessons (continue my 10 yr olds guitar lessons and get the 8 yr old on bass).

I really want him to prosper and will spend my extra bucks at his place.  Heck, I even told him I had a beater drum kit that I wanted to get rid of and he said bring it down here and just "store it" in my place, it will give us something to jam with.  He even agreed to put a for sale sign on it and I told him we could consign it.

So if your passing through Mineral Wells on HWY281, right across from the firehouse is  a music store with an old bail bonds sign over it, Stop in and say Hello to Brian.

“Find your own sound.  Dont be a second rateYngwie Malmsteen be a first rate you”

– George Lynch 2013 (Dokken, Lynchmob, KXM, Tooth & Nail etc....)

2 (edited by joeyjoeyjoey 2012-04-17 07:42:46)

Re: local music store

Nothing like the private music stores. In Worcester there is Union Music. They have been around for 100 years and they know me by name. I try to buy there before guitar center. I just bought a 12 string there yesterday. There are others and pawn shops(way overpriced),but I try to patronize Union whenever I can. I won`t mention the other one`s name because I really don`t have too much good to say about it. I look at Guitar Center as a Wal Mart of guitars.They all look pretty much the same when you walk in. Union Music is like a local store should be. They make you feel welcome when you walk in. The other one is like a high end jewelry store. You can look but you can`t touch unless you are buying.   Pawn shops sell stuff for more than it would cost new. I actually asked them if they did any research before they priced their guitars. they bend on the price but still expensive

Enjoy Every Sandwich
Nothing In Moderation  -- Live Fast. Love Hard. Die Young And Leave A Beautiful Corpse. -- Buy It Today. Cry About It Tomorrow.