Topic: Gibson guitar legal case!!

I heard on the news today gibson is pushing the dept of justice to get on with thier case about the wood,they were busted for in2009 and 2011. It appers that they are having too use woods not as good as they would like,and that the wood the gov. took is not being stored correctly. The gibson CEO is saying it is hurting there sales. This may not be a good time too buy a gibson. Amy I hope you read this as I know your husband was thinking of buying one.

my papy said son your going too drive me too drinking if you dont stop driving that   Hot  Rod  Lincoln!! Cmdr cody and his lost planet airman

Re: Gibson guitar legal case!! … latestnews

And people in the government complain when companies take manufacturing overseas. Off the top of my head I can think of about ten things wrong in our country that need to be addressed before stuff like this.

Re: Gibson guitar legal case!!

That true,and I think our government should not have too make a business wait so long before they do something. I would not buy a gibson right now or in the near future because of this unless I could get a factory verification on the material qualities.

my papy said son your going too drive me too drinking if you dont stop driving that   Hot  Rod  Lincoln!! Cmdr cody and his lost planet airman

Re: Gibson guitar legal case!!

Perhaps the biggest injustice in all of this is the fact that Gibson appears to be the only major manufacturer being targeted.  (At least I haven't heard of any others.)

Totally unrelated to this story is an article I read back when the story broke is that someone reported that Gibson's CEO is a Republican donor, whereas Martin's CEO is a Democratic donor.  (Not sure about Taylor.)

As I said, totally unrelated . . . right?

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Re: Gibson guitar legal case!!

Thats a shame if it is political.,I have not heard of any others either.

my papy said son your going too drive me too drinking if you dont stop driving that   Hot  Rod  Lincoln!! Cmdr cody and his lost planet airman

Re: Gibson guitar legal case!!

If I were a betting man, and if there was a way to ascertain the absolute truth, I'd bet my fretting hand that it's PURELY political.

"Just because you've always done it that way doesn't mean it's not incredibly stupid." - Despair, Inc.

Re: Gibson guitar legal case!!

Astronomikal wrote:

If I were a betting man, and if there was a way to ascertain the absolute truth, I'd bet my fretting hand that it's PURELY political.

I have to agree. I don't know about the Gibson/Martin thingy as (if I am not mistaken) Martin only makes Acoustic Guitars while Gibson makes both types. I think it would be more of a "The Gibson CEO makes large contributions to the Republican Party and some Democrat, who is butt-hurt about it and pulled some strings", thingy.

But deep down inside I know it is just another example of just how screwed up our government has become.

Re: Gibson guitar legal case!!

I haven't been following along, but I'd heard there were some issues Gibson was having.  I'll have to remind the hubster to take a look into all this.  I know Martin makes a point to get their wood from sustainable forests... which is probably a matter of them owning a big portion of said forests.  I wonder about Gibson now.  I'm sure in the end it's all political.  Sadly

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Re: Gibson guitar legal case!!

Whether it is political or not isn`t an issue.Right now it is just Gibson.If Gibson loses this,what will stop Taylor and Martin from being next on the target list. All the companies should stick up for each other in this matter.It may sound conspiracy minded, but I really think it could happen.

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Re: Gibson guitar legal case!!

if it hasn't been a consideration in the past 20 years....why now?

Govt is getting out of hand....seriously.


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