Topic: Always at the wrong time.

I have to apologize to everyone about the abrupt hang up last night during the jam. It seems that I always catch all of you during a hectic time. Things have a knack for being hectic in my life. To sum it up. I get up for work at 3am tuesday through saturday. Jam on sunday for a few hours.Somehow manage to take my wife out on sat. or sun. I would love to get involved sometime and I will. Thanx  Joe.

Enjoy Every Sandwich
Nothing In Moderation  -- Live Fast. Love Hard. Die Young And Leave A Beautiful Corpse. -- Buy It Today. Cry About It Tomorrow.

Re: Always at the wrong time.

It's alright Joe!  It was nice to see you pop on for a minute and the Trout was looking so pretty; it was a pleasure to see the Daddy so proud of his little girl!  I'm all for that!  At some point you'll make it in, I know about life being hectic.  I wish I had more time to skype myself (or travel to meet up with folks even!). 

FYI, everyone in my contact list gets a call every time we do a jam... even if you're not online.  You don't have to accept it and are welcome to ignore it if you do happen to be online but are too busy.  It's just the easiest way for me to make the call - because then that way if someone DOES happen to show up, they've already got the invite and can just join in without having to send me a msg to add them.

Art and beauty are in the eyes of the beholder.
What constitutes excellent music is in the ears of the listener.

Re: Always at the wrong time.

Ow that sucks. 3am. Wow. Good to see you for at least a bit!

Re: Always at the wrong time.

I've been wanting to join you guys the last few times, but I have really been busy lately also.  I hope to join in next time.

You can see all my video covers on [url][/url]
I have finally found happiness in my life.  Guitars, singing, beer and camping.  And they all intertwine wonderfully.