Re: Chordie Skype Virtual Jams Thursday 3/1 and Saturday 3/3

Still on for 2pm eastern. New participants - please send me contact request in Skype prior to 2 so I can add you to the group!

Rule No. 1 - If it sounds good - it is good!

Re: Chordie Skype Virtual Jams Thursday 3/1 and Saturday 3/3

I got a Skype account. I haven't figured how to use it yet.
I don't have a camera or mic yet but would like to observe today's jam.
Is that possible?

We pronounce it "Guf Coast".
Ya'll wanna go down to the Guf?

Re: Chordie Skype Virtual Jams Thursday 3/1 and Saturday 3/3

Toots - I sent you a contact request via skype and will add you to the call. There is a messaging / chat feature so you can type in comments or at least say hello to the group. I sure wish you had a camera so you could play along! There's plenty of time to run to wally world and pick one up!

Rule No. 1 - If it sounds good - it is good!

Re: Chordie Skype Virtual Jams Thursday 3/1 and Saturday 3/3

Rats, I don`t think I can make this one either...  we are in panic mode for a home concert here tonight.  East coast singer song writer Kim Wempe is taking over the front room at 8: PDST.  I get to have a couple guitars laying around but I don`t get to duck out on the preps.

If anyone knows how to run a live video *easy* I might be able to share some. 

Anyway, maybe next time -- have fun!!.

Re: Chordie Skype Virtual Jams Thursday 3/1 and Saturday 3/3

I may be able to join the call after about 3:00 U.S. Eastern.  I'll take a look at the listings on my end and try to join when/if I can.  It'll only be for a little bit, but I would hate, hate, hate to miss out entirely.  Just too much fun!

- Zurf

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude

Re: Chordie Skype Virtual Jams Thursday 3/1 and Saturday 3/3

topdown are you guys online Skype?  I don't have you as a contact

You can see all my video covers on [url][/url]
I have finally found happiness in my life.  Guitars, singing, beer and camping.  And they all intertwine wonderfully.

Re: Chordie Skype Virtual Jams Thursday 3/1 and Saturday 3/3

Pete - I sent you a contact request on skype, you need to accept in order for me to add you in

Rule No. 1 - If it sounds good - it is good!

Re: Chordie Skype Virtual Jams Thursday 3/1 and Saturday 3/3

I don't have the rtequest.  My official skype name is pete.benson61

You can see all my video covers on [url][/url]
I have finally found happiness in my life.  Guitars, singing, beer and camping.  And they all intertwine wonderfully.

Re: Chordie Skype Virtual Jams Thursday 3/1 and Saturday 3/3

OK pete - I just sent another request

Rule No. 1 - If it sounds good - it is good!

Re: Chordie Skype Virtual Jams Thursday 3/1 and Saturday 3/3

Well I dropped in when I got a chance and it was fun.  Thanks Jeff for sponsoring.  I'm not sure when the next one will be, but I'll again do my best to be on.  I am having so much fun with these that I'm considering buying a Premium Skype account so that we can video conference any time. 

- Zurf

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude

Re: Chordie Skype Virtual Jams Thursday 3/1 and Saturday 3/3

Another great time - reluctant chordie members, you need to join in! You will not jam with a more friendly group I assure you.  While we missed Amy today, Zurf, Wayne, Pete, Paul and I had a great time playing.  I also enjoyed the comments by Toots, although silent and without video. I'm definitely willing to open a premium account. For $4.99 a month it's a bargain, I've had 10X that much fun already. 

Till next time!

Rule No. 1 - If it sounds good - it is good!

Re: Chordie Skype Virtual Jams Thursday 3/1 and Saturday 3/3

Thanks Tops,

It was nice to interact and play with some Chordie folks,

Later, Wayne P

Re: Chordie Skype Virtual Jams Thursday 3/1 and Saturday 3/3

I think I'll check out the Premium shortly myself.  Can't beat it for the fun it provides.

You can see all my video covers on [url][/url]
I have finally found happiness in my life.  Guitars, singing, beer and camping.  And they all intertwine wonderfully.

Re: Chordie Skype Virtual Jams Thursday 3/1 and Saturday 3/3

Thanks for organising that session, Jeff - it was a lot of fun! What was that thing Toots said about the rain? On second thoughts, perhaps best not to repeat it here...

" Old Guy is Rocking"
Simon & Patrick Pro Flamed Maple (mmm, nice...)
Norman ST68 acoustic

Re: Chordie Skype Virtual Jams Thursday 3/1 and Saturday 3/3

I enjoyed you guys. I was surprised how well I could see and hear.
Hope next time to join in.

We pronounce it "Guf Coast".
Ya'll wanna go down to the Guf?

Re: Chordie Skype Virtual Jams Thursday 3/1 and Saturday 3/3

Well Toots... I will be sending out the webcam first thing Monday... so hopefully you can get your video rolling for a jam next week.  I will throw my old computer mic in the package too.  It's nothing special, but honestly Jeff and I just use our built in laptop mics for the jam usually and I know I can hear him well enough and the guys seem to be able to hear me just fine as well. 

I'm sorry I missed you guys.  The hubster was doing a tattoo on a lady's back - right up until my start time for work.  On top of that, the kids had drained my laptop battery during the morning playing on  wink  I'm already paying for a Skype basic unlimited calling at $3/month.  I belive the premium includes that calling feature as well as the video confrencing and some other perks - so I am quite tempted to purchase it as well!  It's well worth the extra couple dollars!  I don't have people to Jam with arond here, and being able to see all you guys and and listen, as well as be given challenges is encouraging me to play more!

Art and beauty are in the eyes of the beholder.
What constitutes excellent music is in the ears of the listener.

Re: Chordie Skype Virtual Jams Thursday 3/1 and Saturday 3/3

MKM, I'll be there next jam after I get my rig going.
I love a picker's circle and that is the perfect format for Skype.
Got some tunes you may never have heard or may never want to hear again.
P.S. Did you like the C.D.'s?

We pronounce it "Guf Coast".
Ya'll wanna go down to the Guf?

Re: Chordie Skype Virtual Jams Thursday 3/1 and Saturday 3/3

sounds like you are all having fun,wish I could sing.

my papy said son your going too drive me too drinking if you dont stop driving that   Hot  Rod  Lincoln!! Cmdr cody and his lost planet airman

Re: Chordie Skype Virtual Jams Thursday 3/1 and Saturday 3/3

What makes you think we can dino48?  We just do.  Well, Amy sure can.

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude

Re: Chordie Skype Virtual Jams Thursday 3/1 and Saturday 3/3

I heard most of you at the camping gathering,ya amy is really good she should be on american Idol or one of those shows.

my papy said son your going too drive me too drinking if you dont stop driving that   Hot  Rod  Lincoln!! Cmdr cody and his lost planet airman

Re: Chordie Skype Virtual Jams Thursday 3/1 and Saturday 3/3

Toots... the CD's are AMAZING!!!!!  Thank you so much! 

Yeah Dino - don't worry about being able to sing.  My son and husband like to join in sometimes and they are so nervous singing in front of people that they don't sound too hot either (although they do both have decent voices).  Besides, what I can do with my voice I cannnot with my guitar!  I've learned that if I just sing loud, people ignore the guitar.  So go ahead and join us and play the guitar louder!  wink

Art and beauty are in the eyes of the beholder.
What constitutes excellent music is in the ears of the listener.

Re: Chordie Skype Virtual Jams Thursday 3/1 and Saturday 3/3

Toots... the package is on the way... hopefully you can make it Thursday evening, I expect you'll have the webcam and mic by then.  I'll make a point to get on skype early that day to help walk you through set up if needed and test your cam if you like.  Here's the thread for this week's gathering: … 98#p124698

Art and beauty are in the eyes of the beholder.
What constitutes excellent music is in the ears of the listener.