Topic: Of all the dirty luck! (He told us he wanted to be a pro gamer...)
My 20 year old son is an avid Modern Warfare gamer on X-Box. He won't touch PC but has been playing MW since the first one came out on X-Box. He is pretty good and I enjoy watching him.
A few years ago he approached myself and my wife about giving him some money to enter a tournament. We turned him down as we were (and still are) fairly moneyless. We told him that while one could make a living gaming one must do it like any other job: Go Out And Do It Yourself!
Last year he and his cousin went to a MW tournament in Long Beach, California. He paid for it himself. At the tourney he participated in a match, got his ass handed to him and spent the rest of his time as a spectator. Before he left he filled out an entry form for a contest for the MW3 pre roll-out in Los Angeles.
About six months ago he told me about an e-mail he received from a marketing agency that claimed to be representing Activision. I read it and found nothing to indicate it was a fraud. He contacted the rep and was told he and three of his friends had won an all-expenses paid trip to LA to participate in the pre roll-out tourney (for MW3). The prize included airfare to and from, tournament entry, hotel, meals, a free special edition copy of MW3 for X-Box and various odds and ends.
Total prize package of about 2800.00 bucks.
He contacted three of his gaming buds, flew them into LA and met them there. They participated in the first-day Pro Bracket and got the wood laid to them by a team from Canada (those damn Canuks!). Out in the first round...
They promptly went to the "amateur" tourney and beat all comers.
He had a blast.
Two weeks ago he was contacted by a casting agency representing Activision. They are going to do a competitive MW3 league and air it on the internet live. They want his team back for the first episode! All expense paid!
Go figure...
Don't know if I should be proud or sad that my son plays enough MW that he was noticed.
I think I am proud.