Re: science and inventors

whitewater55 wrote:

it is refreshing to not be told that I am hell-bound, or evil, or under the influence of Satan, which is where these discussions usually end up. It is nice to be able to agree to disagree, amicably, giving no offence and receiving none.

It is written, "a gentle word turns away much wrath." 

There's no point in going down that road.  I was once kicked out of a Christian fly-fishing forum because I dared to criticize a pastor who had requested constructive criticism of something he had written, and also I didn't accept that the King James Bible was the only legitimate translation of Scripture.  There were video clips and everything to prove me wrong, so they couldn't understand how I could possibly think that the New International or American Standard versions, where the translators listed themselves and their credentials, clearly identified their source materials, and plainly described their translation methods so that people could validate and verify their approach were acceptable.  The fellow promoting the King James Version said that the people who produced those false versions were working for Satan.  When I printed the list of names and credentials of the people who produced them and he began to realize that these were real people from prestigious and well-renowned institutions, instead of being contrite he got even angrier and accused me of tricking him and being in league with the devil myself.  Everyone's got opinions it seems, but what matters is the heart.  Use our heads and lead with our hearts.  We probably won't go too far wrong that way. 

- Zurf

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude

Re: science and inventors


No one is asking you to not have your faith. If I may be so blunt as to say that you appear to be getting somewhat irate at some of the posts. This is not the intent but merely a discussion of our differences of how we believe in God.

We are not disputing the presence of God not are we disputing Christ or his gracious acts on behalf of mankind. We are parsing our interpretations of the Bible.

Again I will be blunt with the hopes you, and anyone else who exhibits such strong faith, and say that when one is intolerant of other's views it leads to acts of unkindness, (does flying planes into tall buildings suffice as an example?)...In other words; against God's "word", and Christ's teachings. I don't mean to shove it in your face, and I apologize if I have, but I am dismayed at your reaction to another's views.

Please don't allow other's valid opinions/views color your participation. No one is asking you, or any others who believe the same as you, to change your faith or to even lose it. I, like Whitewater, have shied away from conversations such as this for a long time due to the possibility of severely negative reactions, ( I have experienced many when I was younger and not so tactful). I have found this discussion refreshing and enlightening.

Keep strong in your faith CJ. No one wishes to challenge it nor do we wish for you to lose it, but please keep an open mind about this discussion. Throughout time closed minds have sacrificed many lives in the name of God. Christians, Muslim, Catholic, etc... Humans, throughout the ages have suffered due to religious intolerance. Those that caused the suffering WERE SURE that they were right, just as the Christians did when they went on the Crusades during the Middle Ages. But remember: Another word for Crusade is Jihad and both words are merely an allegory for intolerance.

Re: science and inventors

Thanks Bunbun for the words of support, but I don't think CJ is anywhere close to forming an army to storm Jerome or any of us others.  He  expressed strong opinions firmly.  I haven't talked to him about it, but I expect Jerome didn't feel at all threatened.  This was a sharing of opinions about creation.  Some of believe there was a divine factor, some of us don't.  It's curious that the most strongly worded disagreement were between people who agree that creation was a divine act.  Let's focus on the similarities, consider the differences, and to the degree we are not challenged by the Holy Spirit to do otherwise, hold to our own convictions. 

- Zurf

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude

Re: science and inventors

Baldguitardude wrote:

<= Amazed that this discussion is still civil. Well done, Chordie folk.

That amazed me too. I don`t push my non-beliefs on anyone. Unfortunately it doesn`t work the other way around. That wasn`t the case here .People spoke their minds without laying into anyone else. Imagine if the rest of the world could handle a situation that way.  Thanks to everyone for making this a great site.

Enjoy Every Sandwich
Nothing In Moderation  -- Live Fast. Love Hard. Die Young And Leave A Beautiful Corpse. -- Buy It Today. Cry About It Tomorrow.

55 (edited by joeyjoeyjoey 2012-01-15 21:34:46)

Re: science and inventors

cj- I hope my last post didn`t  have anything to do with that last post.If it did then I apologize to you. I was commenting on how the whole post was civil no matter how anyone believes. No dig or hidden meanings, just take it for face value. What I meant about the other way around is for people that I know personally. It is a long story that doesn`t belong on a post.

Enjoy Every Sandwich
Nothing In Moderation  -- Live Fast. Love Hard. Die Young And Leave A Beautiful Corpse. -- Buy It Today. Cry About It Tomorrow.

Re: science and inventors


I was not afriad you would fly a plane into a building. I apologize if I took your post our of context. I apologize if you felt belittled by my post- that was not the intent, and please do not think I am offended you are not politically correct. I do not believe in political correctness. I believe PC is one of the reasons our society is as sissified as it is now days.

I was concerned that our views were offending you to the point that you would stop participating. If that sounds PC then so be it but I like to hear other views without it becoming a game of whip it out and see who's is bigger. (is that non-PC?).

I, again, find this conversation refreshing as no one HAS flamed anyone else for their opinion.

cj, no apology is necessary from you.

Re: science and inventors

No need to apologize, cj. If we all agreed on everything, the world would be aboring place to live.
I believe in courtesy, but PC is a crock.
Take care,

Hank's prosepctive gutiar player said: "Mr Williams, I'm not sure I can play for you, the onliest chords I know are C D & G"
Hank repleis, after a short pause: "Well, what else is there?"