Topic: Chourd Changes

I'm having all kinds of problems with knowing when to change chourd.  I can't figure out if it's when the pich changes, when, where and why?  Can you tell by the sound of the melody what key the song is in? 
  Another problem Im having when I find song with the chourds layed out there seems to be a F#m or some other minor chourd.  Can one just stick with the I, IV, V, chourds and leave the others out and the song still sound right?  It seems like Willie and some other skilled guitarist want a chourd for every word...
  Please need Help, BIG Time! Sonny

! Corinthians 15:1-4

Re: Chourd Changes

First off, Willie is an incredible guitarist.  Don't let not keeping up with Willie discourage you because Johnny Cash couldn't do it either and he did OK with music. 

As far as when to change, pretty much when the pitch changes.  Try it and see how it works.  There's no extra fee for trying different things. 

Good luck.  I can tell by your questions that you're doing great with your progress.  Keep up the good work. 

- Zurf

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude

Re: Chourd Changes

sonnya,Right now it may be best too be playing songs you know or have access to listen two so you can hear them,that way you will detect most chord changes.It is not easy in the beginning,so do not get frustrated. I do sometimes leave out a chord if the song still sounds good.

my papy said son your going too drive me too drinking if you dont stop driving that   Hot  Rod  Lincoln!! Cmdr cody and his lost planet airman

Re: Chourd Changes

I agree with Dino, try something a little easier that you know. And don't feel bad, I've been playing for over three years and I can't listen to a song and tell what's going on. I have to have someone tell me what to do.

Check out your other post on learning a song. Toots last post is worth looking at.

good luck

Keep Rockin!!!!!!!!!!!

5 (edited by Russell_Harding 2012-01-05 03:48:02)

Re: Chourd Changes

A little bit of basic theory would help enormously all songs have a beginning and an end what lies between is called a progression this simply put means a song starts here and go's through a set of chord changes and repeats if you can count to 4 and know your abc's you can play simple songs an example would be "Blues eyes crying in the rain" it would look like this on paper;

G                       D           G         
|////|////|////|////|////|////|////|////|:<<<these are repeat signs it means to repeat the same
in the twilite glow blue eyes  rain             4 bars for the next verse
I see you             cryin in the                  the //// marks are beats so count 4 beats to each bar
                                                                    |////|////|////|////| these are 4 bars in 4/4 time
                                                       count>> 1234
                                                                 sing>>> in the twilite glow I see you.  then change to the next chord for  D                 G
                               |////|////|////|////|////|:<<<<<and go back and repeat the same chords for the next verse
                               blue eyes       rain.......
                               cryin in the
this is a progresson what follows is an arrangement you have a bridge which is another set of chords and then it repeats again so print a copy of this song from Chordie and try see if you can count the beats before the next chord change,I chose this song because you said you like Willy. smile

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: Chourd Changes

Zurf wrote:

Don't let not keeping up with Willie discourage you because Johnny Cash couldn't do it either and he did OK with music.

That's brilliant!

"Just because you've always done it that way doesn't mean it's not incredibly stupid." - Despair, Inc.

Re: Chourd Changes

Sonnya wrote:

Another problem Im having when I find song with the chourds layed out there seems to be a F#m or some other minor chourd.  Can one just stick with the I, IV, V, chourds and leave the others out and the song still sound right?  It seems like Willie and some other skilled guitarist want a chourd for every word...
  Please need Help, BIG Time! Sonny

Sonnya:  I feel your pain.  The short answer to your first question about sticking just to the 1-4-5 and leaving the others out is NO, it won't sound right.  But you already know that, which is why you're asking the question.

It is unlikely that Willie and some other skilled guitarists want a chord for every word.  It is MORE likely that they are singing melody notes over a single chord and only change chords over a specific number of BEATS in a song.

The solution:  Keep listening and practicing.  Follow the advice of the posters above.  It takes YEARS to become "good" at this.  If you really want it, it will come.  But you have to really want it.

"Just because you've always done it that way doesn't mean it's not incredibly stupid." - Despair, Inc.

Re: Chourd Changes

dino48 wrote:

sonnya,Right now it may be best too be playing songs you know or have access to listen two so you can hear them,that way you will detect most chord changes.It is not easy in the beginning,so do not get frustrated. I do sometimes leave out a chord if the song still sounds good.

I think this is the best advice for you right now.

Re: Chourd Changes

I have been playing for over 50 years Professionally so before you pickup bad habits by trying to "figure it out" save yourself the agony its not important for you to learn how to read notes but a basic understanding of the fundamentals is invaluable go to a music store and ask for a book that will teach you how to read simple chord changes save yourself the frustration and time life is to short.

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: Chourd Changes

Thanks Russell, Do you know of any such books, name of books?

! Corinthians 15:1-4

Re: Chourd Changes

Mel bay books has several levels from basic beginner to advanced but first go to a music store and ask to speak with the guitar teacher and tell him you only want to understand SIMPLE chrord changes and progressions so you can play songs with around 3 to 4 changes(chords) this will cover just about any song you can handle then when you feel comfortable that you understand everything in the book you can always go higher but at least you will have fun and enjoy what your doing and thats what music is all about anyway good luck smile

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: Chourd Changes

Thanks, I'll head that way, Thanks again, sonny

! Corinthians 15:1-4

Re: Chourd Changes

Your welcome and happy pickin smile

"Growing old is not for sissies"

14 (edited by beamer 2012-01-10 02:17:28)

Re: Chourd Changes

Sunny, I dont know any theory, thats why I love this site.  put the chord over the word where you want the change and listen to the song and use the net to help ya!
I can send some easy  and good jam songs to you if you like.  even have some church songs on PDF.

send me a note at

“Find your own sound.  Dont be a second rateYngwie Malmsteen be a first rate you”

– George Lynch 2013 (Dokken, Lynchmob, KXM, Tooth & Nail etc....)