Topic: String Sound? (New Guitar, Advice Would Be Much Appreciated)
I hope everybody is having a good holiday weekend!
So, I've been playing an old, hand-me-down guitar for quite some time now (off and on, I have a lot to learn and I'm not superb at playing or anything) and this Christmas I finally got a new one to call my own. The price range was minimum, considering I'm somewhat of a beginner and really can't dish out a lot on a really good guitar.
So anyway, I got an Epiphone Hummingbird Artist LTD. It's a beautiful guitar, about $250, etc. I'm noticing the E and A strings (6 and 5), mostly E though, are sounding a bit.. I don't know, echo-y? The E string especially makes a kind of tapping noise on the fretboard, so when i have to let go of that string it sounds a little weird and makes some unwanted noise. It's really hard to explain in words.
The point of my rambling is to ask the question if changing the strings to something better other than the strings it came with would fix this small problem. The action on the guitar is decent. If I could make the strings a bit closer to the frets that would be awesome but I don't think that's possible, so I can deal with that.
Any advice would be much appreciated. I'd like to make this guitar sound as good as I can for the price I payed.