Topic: Nothing works

I don't know how Adobe Photoshop Elements got to be the largest selling product for photo editing.  It is junk, junk, junk as far as I'm concerned.  There's no manual for using it.  Support is through an on-line community and help desk.  The help desk has run me through all manner of nonsense before even addressing my question each time I've called.  Seriously - 20 to 45 minutes on the phone BEFORE they'll even listen to my question is not uncommon.  The forum and on-line community gets pitiful responses from Adobe.  I have an issue that ten other people have reported by the reporting mechanism.  It was also on the forum.  It was first reported in December, 2010 on the forum.  Adobe says they can't duplicate the error.  Give me a break.  If it's enough that ten different people have reported it (and you have to think a lot of people didn't re-report it after seeing it was already reported), it's readily and easily duplicated.  One of the people on the forum wrote his own solution, but I can't figure out how to make it load.  Version 10 is out.  I don't expect that after version 8 failing and them refusing to support it.  Then version 9 not getting support for one of the features they advertise, that I'll be spending money on version 10.  Back to the drawing board to find a way to manage my digital photos.  Free software from Microsoft seems to work fairly well. 

I bought Sonar 9 from Cakewalk for recording and practice.  While I would not have thought it possible, the instructions and support are worse for it than for Photoshop Elements.  Further, when I have posted to the on-line community to ask a question about how to use certain features, I have been insulted and verbally abused by Cakewalk's tech staff.  To make it even WORSE, the snarky, insulting answer I received from their tech staff WAS WRONG!!!  They gave me instructions for the full version of Cakewalk and not for Sonar 9.  When I pointed that out, they abused me further for being too cheap to buy the full version at three times the cost.  Well, um, guess what.  They're not getting another dime from me, let alone three times the cost for what doesn't work.  Free software from WavePad seems to work fairly well. 

When free works better than paid, it makes me wonder how software companies expect to stay in business. 

- Zurf

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude

Re: Nothing works

The interesting thing is Zurf, if you find some "beta" or free software that's still being worked on by a company, it usually comes with a person on the other end willing to help solve problems because it's their baby NOT their bread and butter.  They recognize that there are problems, and will work to try to fix them.  I'm sorry to hear you've spent a decent amount of cash on these programs without getting from them what you expect.  We all know there will be bugs, but a company that pretty much says their customers are lying rather than admitting there are issues and trying to solve them... well... that's unacceptable. 

My windows 7 computer came with Corel Paintshop photo pro x3, but I mostly just use the Microsoft Live free software.  I'm surprised at how well some of the Microsoft stuff works.  I kind of thought by the time I was done with this version of windows I'd be switching to a Mac.

Art and beauty are in the eyes of the beholder.
What constitutes excellent music is in the ears of the listener.

Re: Nothing works

Your frustration is palpable as I've been there myself. Who hasn't? I switched over to a MAC this year after working with PCs since their inception. I did this because I wanted a computer that worked every time I wanted to use it. I was weary of having to "tune-up" my computer every time I wanted to use it. And this seemed to be the requirement with PCs. I don't want to work ON the computer; I want to work WITH the computer.

Unfortunately I am required to use a PC for work so I have the whole bifurcation issue to work with. But the MAC is a Godsend!

I have experienced the same thing with "free" being better than " purchased".

Good luck. Don't pull all your hair out.

Re: Nothing works

DJ - This is a problem with the software not working to connect to internet sites.  It is not platform dependent.  Mac users are having the same problem with the photo software.  I don't know about the recording software, but I expect that's a design flaw with the interface which is only secondarily platform dependent.   I used to manage a service center that was Apple certified, and I can tell you that third party software such as these have exactly the same issues with Macs as they do with PC's.  There's just more of the PC software out there to screw up. 

- Zurf

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude

Re: Nothing works

I didn't mean to imply a MAC would solve this problem. But mine has solved many of my headaches.

I've never fooled around with any Photoshop product. I simply don't have time to edit photographs. My MO is to capture the best image I can and move on. On the other hand I know many people who edit, edit, edit. I don't have the patience.

Unfortunately my attempts at writing fall prey to this same MO. Despite, the evidence to the contrary that most, if not all, successful (good) authors spend at least as much time editing and revising as they do writing. Again, I have no patience and little discipline I suppose.

I hope you are able to solve your dilemma.

Re: Nothing works

Zurf wrote:

I bought Sonar 9 from Cakewalk for recording and practice.  While I would not have thought it possible, the instructions and support are worse for it than for Photoshop Elements.  Further, when I have posted to the on-line community to ask a question about how to use certain features, I have been insulted and verbally abused by Cakewalk's tech staff.  To make it even WORSE, the snarky, insulting answer I received from their tech staff WAS WRONG!!!  They gave me instructions for the full version of Cakewalk and not for Sonar 9.  When I pointed that out, they abused me further for being too cheap to buy the full version at three times the cost.  Well, um, guess what.  They're not getting another dime from me, let alone three times the cost for what doesn't work.  Free software from WavePad seems to work fairly well. 

When free works better than paid, it makes me wonder how software companies expect to stay in business. 

- Zurf

That's unconscionable.   It's also one of the reasons I use Reaper. 

The problem with companies like Cakewalk is that they are really just shells set up as a sales channel for their parent company, in this case, Roland.  Roland is massive, but they're a Japanese company with no corporate governance anywhere but Japan.  Because it is a business, they are looking for all the revenue streams they can get.  Documentation is expensive.  Cakewalk doesn't ship documentation because they want you to buy a book from their bookstore.  If they provide you with good customer service, you're less inclined to do that.

Reaper, by contrast, provides you with a 400 page users guide ( and a very, very busy (35K users, 1200+ on-line right now) support forum ( for the low low cost of free, unless you think all of that is worth the $60 they ask you to voluntarily pay for the same stuff.   smile

It's one of the great successes in open source software, right behind the Apache httpd server, I think.

Someday we'll win this thing...


7 (edited by geoaguiar 2011-12-05 20:01:34)

Re: Nothing works

I tried Cakewalk; it was way too complicated for me, the home studio hack. There's lots of other options out there.

As far as Adobe goes....same deal.

The level of customer service you received is unacceptable. And you're doing the right thing by spreading the word about how much they suck and giving them no more business.
If I ever get tempted to buy Cakewalk (I use Mixcraft and I like it alot so not likely) I will remember your words and opt not to.

Their loss. I hope your post propogates to thousands in lost sales.

I used to be disgusted; now I try to be amused.
Elvis Costello