Topic: Is there anything sadder than this.
Is there any sight sadder than a fine guitar in the hands of a non player.Hear me out.A friend of mine`s father passed away a few years ago.among some of his belongings he ended up with were a camper,a boat,a FENDER AMP( I don`t remember which model but it was big and old) and A GIBSON LES PAUL. That`s right he was left a boat. Seriously,he was left the Les Paul and the Fender amp.He doesnt play and has no intention of learning.Yet he has these two fine vintage pieces doing nothing.I personally have no desire to get a les paul but his should be in the hands of someone who can appreciate what it is. I understand sentimental value and that but this is a waste.Only another player can understand my point of view.Almost when you see the rolling rock telecaster on display in a liquor store.It may be a squier but it is still something that should be played. Who`s with me
Nothing In Moderation -- Live Fast. Love Hard. Die Young And Leave A Beautiful Corpse. -- Buy It Today. Cry About It Tomorrow.