2 2011-09-11 04:56:00 (edited by Buzzwagon 2011-09-11 04:56:44)
Re: Never Forget
Who could ever forget that tragic day. Mark Knopfler and Emmylou Harris did this written from the perspective of somebody calling from the WTC that day.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KjSdzJaZ … re=related
Re: Never Forget
Never forget the victims and never forget those responsible for their lives lost.
Thanks for this post Tops and thanks for the link Buzz.
Re: Never Forget
A senseless, insane event that shocked the world and caused unimaginable heartache. My thought and prayers are with all those touched by this tragedy.
Re: Never Forget
Yep, prayers going out to all those families who lost loved ones.
R. I .P
Without music life would be a mistake.
Country music is three chords and the truth.
Re: Never Forget
A day we will never forget, for sure. A tragic event.
I have finally found happiness in my life. Guitars, singing, beer and camping. And they all intertwine wonderfully.
Re: Never Forget
I second all the thoughts said above^.
Re: Never Forget
I was scared that day, and for a while afterward.
I know that since then, I have been less career focused, and more focused on doing things that are meaningful in a personal sense (either to me or for people who matter to me). Further, I spent some time learning about Islam. I do not adhere to that faith, but I cannot square what those men did with what Islam seems to stand for. What changes has it made for you?
- Zurf
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude
Re: Never Forget
I was scared that day, and for a while afterward.
I know that since then, I have been less career focused, and more focused on doing things that are meaningful in a personal sense (either to me or for people who matter to me). Further, I spent some time learning about Islam. I do not adhere to that faith, but I cannot square what those men did with what Islam seems to stand for. What changes has it made for you?
- Zurf
I agree, and have spoken to some people that do adhere to the faith and do disagree with what those men did as well. In fact, it's rather similar to the many "strong Christians" that bombed abortion clinics years ago... we all know how NOT Christian that truly is!
For me, well... it's made me pay a WHOLE LOT more attention to exactly WHERE my husband was working each day. For a few minutes, I thought he was in NYC that day and had no clue where in NYC he was... luckily before I went into full panic mode I remembered him saying that he was going to Albany instead and then back to NYC the week after. Unfortunately I didn't know if he was anywhere near the NY Capitol Building and was worried about that next. I caught the second plane hitting live on TV and won't ever forget the fear in the voice of the broadcaster as he didn't even understand what we were witnessing at the moment.
I kiss everyone goodbye when they leave for a trip... even if it means waking up at 3AM because that's when they are leaving!
What constitutes excellent music is in the ears of the listener.