Topic: bottle neck slide guitar
Hello everyone, I hope you can help.
I wouldn't normally post a question on this section of the forum as I don't tend to play very much acoustic guitar. However, I thought that for this query, you acoustic guys may be a bit more knowledgeable.
I needed a bottle neck for one song I play and, rather than buying one, I cut a piece of 22mm copper pipe (which I had knocking around in the garage) to the right length with a pipe cutter, rubbed the ends with wire wool to remove any sharp edges, and used that. Looking around the internet (not that hard I must admit) I couldn't find anyone selling copper bottlenecks. Lots of chrome, brass and glass but no copper.
Is there a reason why no one sells copper bottleneck/slides? Do they react with the strings badly and cause them to corode? Do they effect the magnets in the pickups? Is it a tone thing? Does everyone secretly do this and I've just missed it?
Just wondered really as I've cut three (in case I loose one which I tend to do a lot) and they've cost me nothing. 2 meters of copper pipe at B&Q is about £18 so how many bottlenecks can you get out of that?(yes I know it depends on how long your fingers are but you get my drift).
Just curious