Topic: First timer advice-;-)

Hello all.

its something i have always wanted to do and have been jelous of even the average player.

So now its my turn!! yesssssss i am having my first lesson in 2 weeks time.

I am after any open advice in the early stages of my soon to be guitar caree-heha

Tips,advice,guidance would all be very appreciated.

Thanks in advance!! Josh

2 (edited by dguyton 2011-07-20 12:31:01)

Re: First timer advice-;-)

Welcome baysum!

Tip #1, practice every day.

Tip #2, go slowly; I mean really, stupidly slowly, and watch your hands to make sure you're placing your fingers properly.

Tip #3, if you find your fingers muffling strings (and you will), wiggle them to get the strings sounding--don't try to just muscle through it by pressing harder.

Tip #4, USE A METRONOME.  If you are human, your timing sucks.  Use a metronome religiously to help keep time, and tap your foot too.

Tip #5, record yourself.  Get a cheap recorder of some sort, and record a practice session every week.  Go back in a few months and listen to them, you'll be amazed at how far you've come.

Good luck, stick with it, and don't get discouraged.

"There's such a fine line between genius and stupidity."
                              --David St. Hubbins

Re: First timer advice-;-)

Start slow, real slow. Most people get theirselves in trouble by trying to advance too quickly. Spend the time to learn your guitar, learn to tune it, learn how to take care of it, how to change strings, get it set up correctly as it will be easier to play. Learn what a tuner is, what a fret is, where's the nut, where's the bridge. Then start with the open chords. Learn the open chords - G, A, C, D, E 1st as they will be your foundation - keep it slow. Once you have this then move on to the next step.

One other thing - decide what type of music you want to play prior to your leaaon and make the instructor aware of that. But keep it slow.


Re: First timer advice-;-)

NELA wrote:

One other thing - decide what type of music you want to play prior to your leaaon and make the instructor aware of that. But keep it slow.


When I first started learning, I didn't know what type of music i was in to. I just loved the sound of the guitar.

"Where you begin doesn't matter. Your willingness to start is what counts."
Without music life would be a mistake.
Country music is three chords and the truth.
cool cool cool cool cool cool

Re: First timer advice-;-)

Ditto what dguyton said. 

Also, take it easy on yourself.  The earliest chords are the hardest to learn.  Give yourself time.

- Zurf

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude

Re: First timer advice-;-)

Someone close to me said to learn guitar you have to "live eat breathe guitar and go to bed thinking about and wake up thinking about it". Despite the fact that this person didn't really play, it turned out to be pretty good advice. Guitar gets under your skin, you have to be ready to let it. I usually notice when you get a new guitar there's an adjustment period, even if you've been playing a long time. New guitars are like new jeans, its take a while for them to fit just right. The best advice I can give is don't give up! There will be discouraging times but you gotta stick with it smile

All You Need is Love smile

Re: First timer advice-;-)

dont let finger pain discourage you.It wont last forever.And of course practice practice practice.My own daughter got through the pain and now doesnt feel a thing.Take your time and keep trying.Just remember that every player started out the same way.Good luck. I KNOW YOU WILL DO GOOD.

Enjoy Every Sandwich
Nothing In Moderation  -- Live Fast. Love Hard. Die Young And Leave A Beautiful Corpse. -- Buy It Today. Cry About It Tomorrow.

Re: First timer advice-;-)

picked up a guitar for the first time at 38 years old and 2 years later , while I still consider myself a beginner , I can play some songs and it is a blast. dont give up , the frustration you will feel will be rewarded , i gurantee it

Re: First timer advice-;-)

Gidday Baysum.

Always tune your guitar,  even a strum of open strings will give u a thrill.

The King Of Audio Torture

Re: First timer advice-;-)

If you can find a song that you really have a strong feeling for, you might find yourself being able to play it more naturally - try to find something that you love the sound/feeling of that just has a few chords to start with...and yes, leave the guitar out on display in your natural habitat so you pick it up more often for a play

Re: First timer advice-;-)

Thank you all !!!! makeing some steady progress with takeing it easy and practise every day. All i needed was love thanks Hannah smile