Topic: The Chordie " Home Page"

What's happened to the "home page" a lot of the usual features are not there now ?

Re: The Chordie " Home Page"

some of the features on the top right margin were recently disabled to allow better iPad support.  Other than that, I think everything's the same.  What is it exactly that you're missing out on Wobbly Bob?

Art and beauty are in the eyes of the beholder.
What constitutes excellent music is in the ears of the listener.

Re: The Chordie " Home Page"

one thing I noticed is the loging page is really tiny font almost to small to see smile

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: The Chordie " Home Page"

oooo... I didn't notice that Russell, because I don't ever log out.  Good to know though... anyone else see anything weird?

Art and beauty are in the eyes of the beholder.
What constitutes excellent music is in the ears of the listener.

Re: The Chordie " Home Page"

I never log out either.  I guess I haven't noticed anything else strange.  Although I wouldn't mind seeing the second set of menus, the index, profile and logout menus a little bigger.  Unless you know they are there, you can miss them.  Just a thought.

You can see all my video covers on [url][/url]
I have finally found happiness in my life.  Guitars, singing, beer and camping.  And they all intertwine wonderfully.

6 (edited by dino48 2011-07-12 16:42:01)

Re: The Chordie " Home Page"

Nope!! looks fine too me. we could improve it with some hot rod flames though.

my papy said son your going too drive me too drinking if you dont stop driving that   Hot  Rod  Lincoln!! Cmdr cody and his lost planet airman

7 (edited by arkady 2011-07-13 06:45:40)

Re: The Chordie " Home Page"

I log in and out with windows7 and XP both using firefox. Not sure if they use the same release date browers XP maybe older...
The login panel and the tabs on the XP have gone very small and the panel to right has disappeared On the Windows7 all seem correct with no change.
Maybe this down to the be down to tweaking done for the ipad users. I must say you need a good eye sight to log on in XP now and the loss of the panel makes it look like there's something wrong with Chordie.

Re: The Chordie " Home Page"

The feature " New Songbooks " and the others that used to be on the right hand side are no longer there. Also the " scroll " facility is no longer available on the songs.

Re: The Chordie " Home Page"

fourth or fifth box down on the right, look for the little auto scroll image

On the right, third from the bottom you'll get the option to add a song to your current songbook, change books, or remove it if it's already in your songbook.  To create a new book you have to first go to the "My Songbook" tab.

Art and beauty are in the eyes of the beholder.
What constitutes excellent music is in the ears of the listener.

Re: The Chordie " Home Page"

wobbly she pointed you in the right direction. (This is why we need women)!!

my papy said son your going too drive me too drinking if you dont stop driving that   Hot  Rod  Lincoln!! Cmdr cody and his lost planet airman

Re: The Chordie " Home Page"

Wobbly Bob wrote:

The feature " New Songbooks " and the others that used to be on the right hand side are no longer there. Also the " scroll " facility is no longer available on the songs.

Now here's a thing...
Chordie on Firefox running on XP on my PC produces small log in boxes and tabs also the right hand panel is missing on Chordie's home page. The right hand pane next to the song is missing and with it the "AUTO SCROLL"  so there's a problem..

Chordie on IE on the same PC has everything as it should be..
So maybe it's just the browsers that are making things a tad bit odd..

So my advise would be to play around with your browsers if chordie is acting up..

Re: The Chordie " Home Page"

Thanks for all the responses, I'll check them all out.....

Re: The Chordie " Home Page"

I've tried all the suggestions made, and I am still having the same problem.The features from the right-hand side of the Home page are no longer there. On the song pages the chord diagrams and the add/remove facilities are now below the lyrics ( the scroll button isn't there at all )

Re: The Chordie " Home Page"

Wobbly Bob wrote:

I've tried all the suggestions made, and I am still having the same problem.The features from the right-hand side of the Home page are no longer there. On the song pages the chord diagrams and the add/remove facilities are now below the lyrics ( the scroll button isn't there at all )

What Browser and operating system are you using? This problem stays with Windows XP and Firefox on my PC but not with Internet explorer and firefox..

Re: The Chordie " Home Page"

Please..I beg of you to put back the Chopro box on the i can format my songs to my ipad i cant do anything with chordie and all my songs ..i really wish you would not have done that...I was halfway thru the book i am a standstill...not happy!:(

Re: The Chordie " Home Page"

I have managed to solve the problem with the home page on my computer. All I did was press the control key and the minus symbol at the same this adjusted the page size and all the missing features were back. Should have done that in the first place....... Thanks for all your suggestions though !

Re: The Chordie " Home Page"

Wobbly Bob wrote:

I have managed to solve the problem with the home page on my computer. All I did was press the control key and the minus symbol at the same this adjusted the page size and all the missing features were back. Should have done that in the first place....... Thanks for all your suggestions though !

Hey Bob works for me to screens a bit smaller but the boxes are back...
well done

Re: The Chordie " Home Page"

rockstarwendy wrote:

Please..I beg of you to put back the Chopro box on the i can format my songs to my ipad i cant do anything with chordie and all my songs ..i really wish you would not have done that...I was halfway thru the book i am a standstill...not happy!:(

Wendy, did you try re-sizing like WobblyBob suggested?  Or are you talking about strictly WHILE using the iPad you can't see these boxes?  In Google Chrome I can still see that box, and I believe with firefox WobblyBob simply re-sized his page to get those links to show.  The admin has been working on the iPad functionality so it may be a matter of the browser and size as well with that. 

Admin will be looking into the issues when he can, but any feedback I'm sure will be appreciated.  smile  Please be patient as this is all a work in progress.

Art and beauty are in the eyes of the beholder.
What constitutes excellent music is in the ears of the listener.

Re: The Chordie " Home Page"

can i find the song with the first words of the lyrics, when i don't know the title or the artist of a song?

Re: The Chordie " Home Page"

I don't think Chordie search has that capability, but you can put as many of the words in your favorite search engine, outside of Chordie and try to match the song that way then come back to Chordie and look it up.  Search engines are pretty good at finding songs with a partial lyric thrown in.

You can see all my video covers on [url][/url]
I have finally found happiness in my life.  Guitars, singing, beer and camping.  And they all intertwine wonderfully.

Re: The Chordie " Home Page"

Hi Wendy,

I have spoken to Per (the Webmaster) and he had disabled the chopro and print buttons for ipad. He will enable them again but I know he is on the road at the moment so I am not sure when he will be able to do it.

For everyone else on PC or laptop there should be no changes. If there are any please give a description and state the operating system and browser you are using.


"Do, or do not; there is no try"


Re: The Chordie " Home Page"

can we have more songs from paolo nutini on chordie please there as been only 14 songs for a year now, we need more we dont like the format of the sites that he is on, chordie really rocks you know,. we get so much pleasure from this site.

I make one off guitars no two are alike and make guitars better than i play them, but i have plenty of time to learn hopefully,I have sold quite a few now,and im getting known by artists which is great,makeing some real guitars now for real people. get in touch if you only want a chat.

23 (edited by rockstarwendy 2011-07-23 19:56:48)

Re: The Chordie " Home Page"

Well it's good to know I was not crazy...thank u for getting back. I have had alot  of gigs so I have not been back on. But yes the chopro button is gone on the ipad2 only .. My laptop it's back. So I still can't format my song. So I did a little research and found an app that formats chordie into chopro. I am so I want to tell all ipad2users.  canzoniere once u download the app for 99 cents u go to chordie import the song then copy and paste into songbook app. It is so awesome and easy  although I love to keep all my song in canzoniere it does not let u flick the pages with your finger and songbook does. Love it!!!,,,

Re: The Chordie " Home Page"

Still no chopro button:(

Re: The Chordie " Home Page"

I am having the same situation with my right hand  features,or lack there of,I am using xp with google chrome.I have first 3  features, but they are now located on the bottom of the page. The Feature I am really looking 4 is the auto scroll !! Have to have my auto scroll.I tried the earlier post using the ctrl while hitting minus and it did adjust my page size. still no right hand features. Any suggestions other than Going back to I.E will be Appreciated, as all of the AWESOME FEATURES this site already offers! BIG UPS all those responsible for creating this site ! Thanx Again
                                                                                                 Hasta D.F.