Topic: hoarders

Has anyone ever seen that show"HOARDERS" on T.L.C. They have had a marathon all weekend.Makes me look into my music room and want to get rid of things.So far I have given away a RAM amp from canada.A sears silvertone acoustic (the sunburst one) that how many had for thier first guitar.(mine was).A sears acoustic,a peavey acoustic(the one with the bridge),A burswood electric and a Fender ag-10 sn.The one with the 6 in one headstock.Next is some furniture and antique toys and games. I still have 8 others plus 6 amps left.Not to mention the trouts things(she is not wanting for anything).Back to the original subject.I am not a hoarder but I didnt know how easy it is to build up so much stuff.I am hoping to get the music room back into a usable space again.We play down there now but with more room down there it will just make it easier.My original plan was to decorate it like an applebees or 5 & diner so I accumulated all these old things.Some I will keep but most will be gone soon.Anyone else run into this situation and how do you handle it.

Enjoy Every Sandwich
Nothing In Moderation  -- Live Fast. Love Hard. Die Young And Leave A Beautiful Corpse. -- Buy It Today. Cry About It Tomorrow.

Re: hoarders

I just cant find it in myself to get rid of old magazines or VHS tapes I still play thru all the games in the chess magazines some date back to the early sixties and I must have over 100 VHS tapes and I still watch them along with a mounting collection of DVDs.I do have recording equipment along with special effects that seldom get used only because I go thru periods of time where I cant compose(I'm in one now)but I still pick up the guitar and pick it I think I will sell my boss loop machine and ME-50 I seldom use them or trade them in on nice guitar most of my time is used studying chess and i have all the best books I need along with beautiful chess sets perhaps some nice clothes would be a good choice so I can throw out all the old outdated shirts so I guess I do hoard a bit smile

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: hoarders

When we remodeled a couple years ago and had to clear out the basement of everything so that it could be tiled, I rented a dumpster and filled it, plus took eight pickup truck loads of junque to the dump.  I guess we had a few things we didn't need.  The things that still had life in them were donated to charities we support so that they could sell the items in their thrift shops or give them to folks in need. 

- Zurf

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude

Re: hoarders

Being brought up as a military brat and then working for the government all those years and moving every two or three years helped me keep the junk manageable.  You don't want to move around with all the extra stuff.  Yes, I have seen Hoarders.  I can't imagine letting things get that far out of hand.

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I have finally found happiness in my life.  Guitars, singing, beer and camping.  And they all intertwine wonderfully.

Re: hoarders

Everytime I watch that show I want to go clean my house! My rooms a jumbled mess of sketch pads, hamster tunnels and acoustic guitars lol. And then I keep all these random pieces of paper and buttons and magazine clippings and wat-not in bags because I think I'm going to be really into collage art at some point (go figure) so when the hoarders on the show say "its for an art project" I start getting kind of scared! I've heard that creative people tend to be kind of disorganized, because of which side of the brain they use the most... all that said though I can't stand things to be UNCLEAN. There's a difference in lots of junk, and lots of dirt and old food and that kind of stuff.
I think the difference in being a clutter bug and being a hoarder is that a hoarder will attach value to things that don't have any value. Like, I can't throw this ballpoint pen away because my daughter wrote with it one time. I had a great aunt that was a hoarder, she kept stacks of unread magazines and newspapers all the way to the ceiling.  I think its kind of sad that people could come to the place where stuff could mean so much to them, its got to be some kind of compulsive mental problem.

All You Need is Love smile

Re: hoarders

Yep, there's a difference between hoarding and not bothering to tidy up or throw out old stuff. I have a drawer in my bedroom filled with old guitar tabs. I'm not hoarding them, I just haven't got around to sorting them all out.

"Where you begin doesn't matter. Your willingness to start is what counts."
Without music life would be a mistake.
Country music is three chords and the truth.
cool cool cool cool cool cool

Re: hoarders

i just cant throw anything away. the best i can achieve is to put what i'm not using into the attic when i buy a replacement. then i keep the box in case i have to return it faulty.
i occasionally go into the attic for something then spend an hour looking at things i forgot i put up there, then bring them down again! i guess i'm useless.
things i cant throw out include; 3 keyboards, a fender strat 1972 mexican. a fender f90 acoustic same year. a cheap and nasty electric in black. a pair of mos-fet 100 watt amps mounted on a board to use as power amps for stage. i've got a beautiful peavy bandit amp which i dont use as i play my guitar through my p a . millions of fx pedals that are outdated. and billions of bits of paper with songs on. i did manage to throw out an old teac multi-track reel to reel last year and some old tapes and cassettes. there's lots of other stuff's, dvd's old programs you name it, camera's ....sorry gorra close my head's hurting....


Ask not what Chordie can do for you, but what you can do for Chordie.