Topic: thoughts on losing friends and missed opportunities
On Friday June 24 I lost my friend of 48 years. I met Greg on the first day of elementary school in 1963 and we were friends for nearly 50 years. Greg died Friday of ALS (Lou Gherigs Disease) and the flood of emotions has been a real rollercoaster ride. Dispair, knowing that I'm never going to see him again,Grief for his wife and kids whom I love as my own,and relief knowing that his sufferings are over. I had many opportunities in the last 6 to 8 months to go see Greg and spend some time with him but I always found myself saying I'm too busy. People,especially you younger members, remember life is but a fleeting instant and try to fill your time with the people you care about and make time for those old friends that have made a difference in your life. Over the course of the past two years I have laid to rest 8 different people that made a difference in my life. Of them all, this will be by far the hardest