Topic: Wireless hookup

Hj everyone. New to the forum, so I may be in the wrong place for my question(s).
I play a Fender Strat thru a Hartke GT 60 and I am trying to attach a distortion pedal, overdrive pedal and a Line 6 Pocket Pod and do it all   thru a Samson 77 series wireless. If I am talking out of my head, please don't hold back. If I am in the wrong forum, could some kind soul point me jn the right direction. I am not used to all this tech stuff and I am at a loss. I would like my screen name to match up eventually. (smile)  Thanx in advance.


Re: Wireless hookup

Welcome to Chordie, Wireless, if you're in the wrong location I'm sure a moderator will move you. Sorry, I can't help you w/ the hook up

3 (edited by johncross21 2011-01-09 20:42:59)

Re: Wireless hookup


I think that we're going to struggle unless someone else here uses that wireless and those particular units.

I suggest you start by connecting the guitar to the amp and get that working if you have not already.

I think that the standard set up is for the receiver to go before the first pedal in the effects chain (not sure about Line 6)


Re: Wireless hookup

Hi Walt, Welcome to Chordie! On mine rig,  the transmit unit is attached to my guitar strap. Like John said above, the first item in your pedal board is the receiving unit.  It doesn't need to be on the pedal board, but it is the first item in the effects chain.  From there, just connect your pedals accordingly and plug them into your amp.  I have mixed feelings about wireless systems.  Some days, I like them but most days I prefer to be hard wired.

Now available in 5G !

Re: Wireless hookup

Thanx everyone. I needed all the info I could get my hands on.Not finding much on the Net either. You guys helped me out overnight. The difficulty is not being on top of all the electronics and tech stuff ( Lines In, Line Out, etc. on the back of my amp ). Someone told me to put my Digitech RP 250 thru the back of the amp? I'm going to give it a try with the info you gave me. I know it sounds lame, but I don't have a clue what goes on behind the amp. As and aside to johncross21, Ihave been using the amp for about a year and it works fine. Lately I just decided to " amp it up a bit ". Thanx again everyone.

6 (edited by Detman101 2011-01-19 20:15:27)

Re: Wireless hookup

WirelessWalt wrote:

Thanx everyone. I needed all the info I could get my hands on.Not finding much on the Net either. You guys helped me out overnight. The difficulty is not being on top of all the electronics and tech stuff ( Lines In, Line Out, etc. on the back of my amp ). Someone told me to put my Digitech RP 250 thru the back of the amp?

Sounds like they're talking about the "EFFECTS LOOP"

Effects Loop

The effects loop allows you to insert effects of your choice between the Pre amp and power amp section. The Effects loop also allows you to link two amps together using the Pre-amp out and Power amp in connectors.


"Talent instantly recognizes genius,
but mediocrity knows nothing more than itself."

-Sir Arthur Conan-Doyle

Re: Wireless hookup

Your "time based" effects like, delay, chorus, flanger, phaser should run through the effects loop. All others: distortion, wah, volume, should run through the front end of the amp. You would hook it up as follows:

Wireless OUT to first pedal in the front end chain
From the last effect in the front end chain plug a cable into the front end of the amp.

From your time based effects:

Send on the amps effects loop to IN on the 1st pedal
Return on the amps effects loop to the OUT on the last pedal.
(This could be the reverse...I can never remember!! LOL)

Hope this helps.

I use a Line 6 Pod XT Live through my effects loop and a Dunlop wah through the front end with an Audio Technica great, although I think I need a better wireless as I do suffer from a bit of tone loss....most wireless systems will cause a bit of tone loss...although I hear the new Line 6 units are great.

Re: Wireless hookup

Effects loops have always sounded like crap whenever I use effects. I'd just put wireless transmitter into the guitar, then from the "out" of the wireless receiver plug your effects in a chain, with the last effect's "out" plugged into the "in" of the amp.