Topic: Jam session happennigs

Hey all!!!!!

What EXACTLY goes on at a jam session? When a handful of you get together around the campfire how does that work? I've only gotten together with one other person at a time and we never really jam. We show each other what we know or have recently learned but that's about it.

Keep Rockin!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: Jam session happennigs

At least at mine,we play music.Talk and joke around,compare toys and have a good time.The songs we are working on,sometimes just noodling around with musical gibberish.No fighting ,everyone gets along(we are all older).Always remember.A bad jam session still beats the s**t out of a day at work.

Enjoy Every Sandwich
Nothing In Moderation  -- Live Fast. Love Hard. Die Young And Leave A Beautiful Corpse. -- Buy It Today. Cry About It Tomorrow.

Re: Jam session happennigs

Hedonistic debauchery - lots of wild women and alcohol fueled loss of inhibitions - its a party you don't wanna miss, will feel for weeks and remember for years.

OK - that was 25 years ago. These days it's a bunch of old farts singing off key and cursing the B chord. I don't remember which was more fun.

Rule No. 1 - If it sounds good - it is good!

Re: Jam session happennigs

!st you take off all your cloths.
2nd get a big bottle of cooking oil.

Wrong subject.

Just get a bunch of like minded folks together who likes music and take turns playing. Each one takes a turn at a song and the others just play along. After awhile everyone will kinda learn each others style, types of music, some will be good at lead, some will be good at rythym, sone will sing well, some won't but all will have a good time. Get a group together, plan getting together once a month or so and swap houses if everyone's comfortable with that. Plan to have snacks, drinks of your choice (but keep in within reason) and BE SURE TO HELP CLEAN UP AND PUT UP WHEN THE NIGHT IS OVER!


Re: Jam session happennigs

Let me know when you have your next one topdown.  Wouldn't want to miss it. 
We just get together and play what we know and the other person just follows along with chords, lead licks or singing.  Beer is a good idea, though.  Keeps the music flowing smoothly.

You can see all my video covers on [url][/url]
I have finally found happiness in my life.  Guitars, singing, beer and camping.  And they all intertwine wonderfully.

Re: Jam session happennigs

NELA wrote:

!st you take off all your cloths.
2nd get a big bottle of cooking oil.

Wrong subject.

Just get a bunch of like minded folks together who likes music and take turns playing. Each one takes a turn at a song and the others just play along. After awhile everyone will kinda learn each others style, types of music, some will be good at lead, some will be good at rythym, sone will sing well, some won't but all will have a good time. Get a group together, plan getting together once a month or so and swap houses if everyone's comfortable with that. Plan to have snacks, drinks of your choice (but keep in within reason) and BE SURE TO HELP CLEAN UP AND PUT UP WHEN THE NIGHT IS OVER!


I have been to 2 like this in the last 2 months and I can tell it has helped my strumming and timing already.Ya gotta try it! It's fun!

When the Power of Love overcomes The Love of Power the world will be a better place.

Re: Jam session happennigs

topdowns sounds like alot of fun

my papy said son your going too drive me too drinking if you dont stop driving that   Hot  Rod  Lincoln!! Cmdr cody and his lost planet airman

Re: Jam session happennigs

Went to a wedding once where the invitations said, "If you have guitar, bring it.  You'll be in the band for the reception."  8 people and me showed up with acoustics. The wedding was out in the woods next to a creek and so was the reception.  Best wedding I've been to in years! We had dead fall trees for seats, moonshine and all the beer you could fit in your truck.  Add guitars and you've got quite a party.

Now available in 5G !

Re: Jam session happennigs

You guys have way better parties than I do.

Someday we'll win this thing...


Re: Jam session happennigs

It depends upon who I'm jamming with.  Cursing the B chord and singing off-key works.  Each taking a turn and swapping stories and jokes works.  Drunken debauchery's not my style. 

- Zurf

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude

Re: Jam session happennigs

We jam in my kitchen quite often, set up for a band. One late nite one of the boys was real drunk, fell off a
chair, we proped him up, dusted him off, put a hockey helmut on his head and carried on. Hence "The Crash
Helmut Jug Band" , usually have around 20 people here, the girls dance all nite. We have a blast.

Badeye    cool

one caper after another

Re: Jam session happennigs

My best jam sessions occur at Christmas time when I head home to Massachusetts and jam with my brother and his band..  one of us starts playing a tune and everyone joins in..  and on and on it goes.  I once asked one of the guys to play a Who tune.. he played almost the entire Quadraphenia album..  he's a wicked good guitar player.. 

Re: Jam session happennigs

Ok so I have been to two jams and now I am an expert! (NOT)!
But I have caught the bug. We have a building on our church property that was not being used in a while. It's about 65ft by 45ft with a kitchen area and two bathrooms. We cleaned it up and made it very presentable and having our first Bluegrass Gospel Jam this Saturday night. If it goes well I want to have one the third Saturday of each month except July when we have Homecoming.

When the Power of Love overcomes The Love of Power the world will be a better place.

Re: Jam session happennigs

Deadstring, that how we do the jam sessions, at a building at church. Are ya'll only going to do gospel music? We do a lotta the old country stuff. Have a pot luck supper and play until everybody gets tired. We do our'n the 2nd & 4th Friday of each month. Be sure you got a good sound system for a place that size. One other thing to keep in mind. You need 1 person to kind'a be in control of things and take the lead, you can't do this by committee. That person has gotta keep things flowing, set the limits on how much mic time everyone gets, make sure the lead guitar player don't get too loud (if you came to one of our's you'd know what I talking about). If ya'll need some player / singers let me know. I could put together a group of 3 to 5 people real easy or just me'n my wife. Not trying to invite myself but we are always looking for a place to play and we are less that 100 miles apart.


Re: Jam session happennigs

NELA  you know your already welcome anytime! and if anyone on CHORDIE is traveling in this area on the third Saturday of the month (Except July) they are welcome. Just give me time to get you some directions.
     It doesn't have to be Gospel but at least inspirational if that makes sense. One song I'll do from time to time is "The Wreck On The Highway". You won't see it in Hymnals but still is a witness to us.
    The folks that I have coming are used to sitting in a circle and one starts off doing a song.Every one plays if they know it. The next one to the left is next. If he or she passes then it goes on around. Refreshments are there and you get up anytime you want to snack or take care of other business if you get my drift. AL

When the Power of Love overcomes The Love of Power the world will be a better place.

16 (edited by NELA 2011-06-15 23:55:46)

Re: Jam session happennigs

Deadstring, Al, believe me when I say that someone needs to be in charge. The "core" group would be the main ones who spent their energies in getting the thing started. The one in charge is the one who welcomes everyone, if it's like the one we do there will be a prayer request, have snacks / food brought in by whoever shows but put out a "tip" jar just to pick up money for ice, paper cups, paper plates and that kinda stuff - don't charge the folks but do make them aware of what the donations will be used for. Keep the circle filled with the "core group" that you need. If you open the "circle" up to everyone you'll end up with more people playing that you will know what to do with. Let the core group go around a time or 2 then ask the listeners if anyone has a song they want to do. Make them feel welcome and they will come back. If you get too many pickers going at one time it just does not work. Our "core group" consists of a keyboard player, 4 to 6 (and thats a lot) playing rythym guitar, base guitar, one main lead guitar player with 1 or 2 others that will sometimes take a turn, a snare drum, sometimes a steel guitar and sometimes an accordian. Our fiddle player may or may not show up. Counting the players and others that sing we usually have about 15 to 2o people singing. On a typical night each of us gets 2 turns at the mic. Usually the core group will have an opening song to welcome everyone then for closing we get everyone to join in to I'll Fly Away. Everybody goes home with a smile on their face.

I would like to come over there one Saturday and my wife & I do a song or 2 but, like you, it'll have to be after July. And you know you got a standing invite to where we play.


Re: Jam session happennigs

Thanks NELA.

When the Power of Love overcomes The Love of Power the world will be a better place.

Re: Jam session happennigs

Last week I hosted a camping/fishing/picking get-together on a local stream, similar to the ones Zurf has planned for July and August.  Played from about dark to 2 am Wednesday through Saturday.  The format is similar to the one NELA mentioned - everyone gets a turn and can either play or pass.  If others know the song being played they join in. At times we had as many as 8 guitar pickers, also a couple mandolin players and a harmonica blower. Each evening was different, with Friday night really special. 

After rising at 6 am each day, doing a float (with adult beverages being consumed), cooking an evening meal (with adult beverages being consumed) and then playing music until about 2 am (with adult beverages being consumed)....... I was ready to go back to work Monday to rest.

We had a couple dozen campers in attendance, mostly Ohio folks, but a few from MI, KY, PA and VA  showed up to add to the mix.  All-in-all it was a great time. Most of the music was folk/country/bluegrass but a few rock songs managed to sneak in too.

Bass Viking (Big Jim) showed up and easily fit right into the group - I hope he posts to give his impression of the event as it was his first time to join us.


I want to read my own water, choose my own path, write my own songs

Re: Jam session happennigs

Dirty Ed / Deadstring - ya'll anwsered my post real fast. Sure would ne nice if we had a "chat room" to discuss these world happening, don't u think?


Re: Jam session happennigs

I was just gong to ask if anything happens in Ohio...  LOL!   

Central Ohio doesn't seem to have much.

[url][/url]  lol

Re: Jam session happennigs

NELA wrote:

Dirty Ed / Deadstring - ya'll anwsered my post real fast. Sure would ne nice if we had a "chat room" to discuss these world happening, don't u think?


I still wish we had a chat room too Nela... sadly... I don't think there's enough mods that want to be online long enough to control it.  Imagine how fast an OPEN chat room would get ugly when we have several spammers a day on the forums.  Add the horrid chat bots and all heck would break loose.  sad

Art and beauty are in the eyes of the beholder.
What constitutes excellent music is in the ears of the listener.

Re: Jam session happennigs

The most fun I ever had at a jam session was a "picker's circle" format where all players grouped around in a circle took turns singing and playing a song. Anybody in the circle could play and sing along to back up the player whose turn it was.
Other instruments could play solos, fill or provide background.
Some players may run out of tunes they know and remain in the circle to play along and accompany with backup vocals.
Of course, a washtub full of iced-down beers needs to be in the center of the circle.

We pronounce it "Guf Coast".
Ya'll wanna go down to the Guf?

Re: Jam session happennigs

tubatooter1940 wrote:

The most fun I ever had at a jam session was a "picker's circle" format where all players grouped around in a circle took turns singing and playing a song. Anybody in the circle could play and sing along to back up the player whose turn it was.
Other instruments could play solos, fill or provide background.
Some players may run out of tunes they know and remain in the circle to play along and accompany with backup vocals.
Of course, a washtub full of iced-down beers needs to be in the center of the circle.

I like your moxy,   

badeye   cool

one caper after another

Re: Jam session happennigs

Dirty Ed wrote:

Last week I hosted a camping/fishing/picking get-together on a local stream, similar to the ones Zurf has planned for July and August.  Played from about dark to 2 am Wednesday through Saturday.  The format is similar to the one NELA mentioned - everyone gets a turn and can either play or pass.  If others know the song being played they join in. At times we had as many as 8 guitar pickers, also a couple mandolin players and a harmonica blower. Each evening was different, with Friday night really special. 

After rising at 6 am each day, doing a float (with adult beverages being consumed), cooking an evening meal (with adult beverages being consumed) and then playing music until about 2 am (with adult beverages being consumed)....... I was ready to go back to work Monday to rest.

We had a couple dozen campers in attendance, mostly Ohio folks, but a few from MI, KY, PA and VA  showed up to add to the mix.  All-in-all it was a great time. Most of the music was folk/country/bluegrass but a few rock songs managed to sneak in too.

Bass Viking (Big Jim) showed up and easily fit right into the group - I hope he posts to give his impression of the event as it was his first time to join us.


First, hats off to Dirty Ed for all the work he did to put this event on!  I really enjoyed what little time I was able to spend; camped two nights, floated and fished one day and joined in on the jam for two nights.  Although I still consider myself a newbie, I was welcomed openly and after passing a couple times early when it came to me, I then jumped in and did my thing (whatever that is!)  When I first told them to "go ahead" and pass me by until I got comfortable, I was told that I must quit calling people a "Goat Head". I LOVED IT!  Some very talented pickers and musicians graced the presence of all of us.  Dirty Ed is one tremendous songwriter and doesn't give himself enough credit for his talent.  All in all it was a special moment that I relished and wish to do again.  Anytime I can get around others who have talent and let me join in I think I not only learn things, but I grow a little more confident.  Great time; I recommend it to anybody!     "Big Jim"

Find a Path or Make One    This is a motto I have been following my entire life and one I am currently using with my music.
Big Jim from Ashville Ohio

Re: Jam session happennigs

What few campfire jams I've been part of we're very fun and educational for me. Its a good thing to sit in with more experienced pickers and learn while hearing good stories about past performances. Tie all of that in with good food and its some of the best fun you can have. I'd love to be able to come jam with any you guys.