Topic: Replacement Amp
My trusty ol' Hot Rod Deville is falling apart...quite literally. It's had 13 solid years on the road with me and it's done a great job, but I think it's time to move on to something new. Deville will be retired to my guitar room where she will continue to serve as a practice and noodlin' around amp, as well as a studio amp when needed.
I'm looking for a tube amp in the 50-80w range. I primarily play blues, funk, and southern rock with a wee bit of jazz, as well. I have a few nice stomp boxes for distortion, so I don't need a good dirty channel...just looking for something loud, crystal clean and punchy.
I'm thinking about a bassman but I'm also attracted to the idea of boutique and/or hand wired amps. I'm a fan of combos but would entertain a half stack with 2x12 cab....any suggestions, Chordians?