Heres one for you.I came up with the genius idea of letting Gabby Trout drive my pickup in the backyard this morning.After showing her the brake and gas she went forward no problem.When she went to back it up,there was the problem.Instead of hitting the brake she floored it.She didnt get hurt but I hurt my wrist when the truck door hit me.A bunch of bushes stopped the truck or else my neighbor would have no shed or car.Now I have a few people mad at me.A hurt wrist(I cant play for a few days).I know, it was all my fault.Im laughing now,I was then.Now my daughter has sworn off driving until she is 16.Do I get the idiot of the day award for this? It seemed like a good idea at the time
Nothing In Moderation -- Live Fast. Love Hard. Die Young And Leave A Beautiful Corpse. -- Buy It Today. Cry About It Tomorrow.