1 (edited by naolslager 2011-05-25 16:37:06)

Topic: Pricing “sweet spot" : What is your comfort zone?

Please pardon me if I have violated any rules about discussing prices, etc. If it makes anyone feel any better please substitute Blutarskys for $s below.

I’ve paid as little as $40 and as much as $500 for an acoustic guitar. In both cases I was dissatisfied and sold them quickly. On the low end: one usually (but not always) gets what one pays for and this “cheapie"  was just that. On the high end (MY high end), I was struck with almost immediate buyer’s remorse. The latter situation is by far the worse scenario for me.

I have seriously considered guitars around the $1k price point but have never purchased at that level even though I can probably afford one at this price.  My pricing “sweet spot"  seems to be in the $150-$350 range.

Re: Pricing “sweet spot" : What is your comfort zone?

I'm looking for a guitar in the $200 neighborhood for campfires and such but with a good sound.  Otherwise, I buy what I can afford at the time. 

- Zurf

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude

Re: Pricing “sweet spot" : What is your comfort zone?

$200 is easy to find. I could list ten likely candidates but it's really dependent on what's available in your area (assuming you want to play first) and what suits your tastes, etc. I thought you has a Yamaha FG-310 or 335 or something like that?

I am looking for a non-dreadnought acoustic. I played a Seagull Entourage mini-jumbo yesterday and in spite of its large appearance the depth (approx 1/2" thinner than the dread) made a HUGE difference in how it felt - must more comfortable. I wouldn't have believed anyone unless I tried it myself. I kept going back and forth for about an hour thinking it was just a new guitar illusion. In the end I convinced myself it was more comfortable. And the bonus is it is not a dreadnought. (I find the dreadnought body boring although I do own one.) Upon further comparison the MJ wasn't a whole heck of a lot different from the 000-size I strongly desire. So, I may pursue this.

Now I wait for a "deal" on CL or maybe a Memorial Day "Sale" at GC this weekend. I think they are offering 15% off and that is where I played the guitar so I could snag the one I like. Price your ask? Retails at $369, at the top edge of my sweet spot. Yea, I'd like an all-solid variant but that pushes me up to $7 x 10^2 which is 2x sweet spot max. Cue the buyer's remorse.

Re: Pricing “sweet spot" : What is your comfort zone?

Well, I won't get in on this conversation because I paid a lot of Blutarskys for my two Martins.  It's just what I like. No looking back.  Until my Martins, I always stayed around the $150 - $400 range.  I spoiled myself and I am happy.

You can see all my video covers on [url]http://www.youtube.com/bensonp1000[/url]
I have finally found happiness in my life.  Guitars, singing, beer and camping.  And they all intertwine wonderfully.

Re: Pricing “sweet spot" : What is your comfort zone?

F310.  It's a little different from the FG-310.  That's Old Reliable, but OR has a buzz that I don't have any intention of fixing.  I'll play her till she falls apart, but would like something with good solid sound that I will be willing to take to camping and on river trips.  There's no way I'm going to take my Guild. 

A Seagull S6 has been calling my name.  It's a little different sounding from my Guild, having a rounder tone and a stronger on the high end than the low end.  Also there's a pawn shop near my house that gets Blueridges in it a lot.  I like those too.  I keep my eye on a music consignment shop that gets deals from time to time.  I'm still kicking myself for not buying a Tacoma they had in there.  I had never heard of them.  I loved the sound but didn't want to overpay.  By the time I checked them out and discovered what an incredible deal it was, it was gone.  Someone was smarter than me and didn't walk away. 

- Zurf

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude

6 (edited by bunbun 2011-05-25 20:26:44)

Re: Pricing “sweet spot" : What is your comfort zone?

I like what feels good. I must admit I do not have much experience with guitars as I have only been at it for about 6 months. My first is my EPI A/E that my wife bought me for my birthday. She had no idea what to buy and went on the word of a Best Buy employee. Turns out it was a good buy: 200 bucks for the guitar/amp/strap/etc...My brother, who has been playing for more than 30 years on and off, has a Gibson Dreadnought that cost him 1K 20 years ago! When we get together he likes playing mine. That tells me something.

I now want an electric. Co-worker is willing to sell me his Schecter Diamond CR-1 WITH hard case for 200 bucks. I played it and have played numerous others that were more expensive. I like the Schecter so when I have the money I will buy the Diamond. If I happen to find another I like that is in that price range I will buy that one instead.

Re: Pricing “sweet spot" : What is your comfort zone?

I am comfotable in the $200.00 range,that way I do not feel guilty when they show commercials showing someone needing food etc. I give enough already. Someday I will get a Martin like pete.

my papy said son your going too drive me too drinking if you dont stop driving that   Hot  Rod  Lincoln!! Cmdr cody and his lost planet airman

Re: Pricing “sweet spot" : What is your comfort zone?

My most expensive is my $300 Yamaha A/E. I actually got it on sale for $250. So yeah, $300 is my max. I don't think I could ever spend more than that on a guitar. As much as I love playing, my money would be better spent on other things. I know Martins, Taylors, Gibsons, etc. are supposed to be the bees knees, but I'm not on that bandwagon. Haven't ever played a high-end guitar and really don't care if I ever do. I tend to shy away from things that have a lot of hype attached to them. Even if the hype is correct.

Keep Rockin!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: Pricing “sweet spot" : What is your comfort zone?

Ive had my Hohner electric acoustic for at least 15 years always use Martin silk n steel I snapped the neck in two when I was drinking over 5 years ago (I quit) and fell into it but glued it back and it plays great and stays in tune I paid a little over 100 blutarsky's for it but i would love to own a Martin or Gibson (drooling with envy) lol

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: Pricing “sweet spot" : What is your comfort zone?

You get what you pay for. If you can afford what you paid then there's no issues. Spending big buck doesn't necessarly mean you get the best. The best bet is to set a budget then buy the best quality you can find within that budget. If you spend more that the budget just don't tell your wife.


Re: Pricing “sweet spot" : What is your comfort zone?

A $300 guitar has a lot more in it than I can get out of it so I have no need for expensive ones.

When the Power of Love overcomes The Love of Power the world will be a better place.

Re: Pricing “sweet spot" : What is your comfort zone?

I've done what Nela says to do... set a budget and stay within it.  Last time I went shopping my budget was $300-500 and I ended up with one that was under $200 because it was the one that called to me.  Now a days I go into the stores just to play around, not shopping, and each time one certain Martin calls my name.  Go figure, it's a GC "exclusive" ... and around 1K.  I'm saving my pennies and don't plan to buy another guitar until I have that one.  My husband bought one recently that was priced just under $400.  It's a Fender, but I still like my cheap Epi better.

Art and beauty are in the eyes of the beholder.
What constitutes excellent music is in the ears of the listener.

Re: Pricing “sweet spot" : What is your comfort zone?

I'm amending my comfort zone to $299+tax.  It was very nearly NGD for me yesterday.  In my search for a campfire guitar, I came across a Takamine GS330, which is a cedar top mahogony body guitar.  I liked it.  A lot. 

- Zurf

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude

Re: Pricing “sweet spot" : What is your comfort zone?

The acoustic I learned to play on was a Sigma, which cost around $100 back in '74 .  In the early 80's I sold the Sigma and splurged ($400) and bought a used Guild jumbo 12 string.  I loved the sound of that guitar but I suffered a shoulder injury while whitewater kayaking and it became painful to hold and play. So I sold it and bought a used Alvarez ($100).  I played it for years before passing it on to my son after I had bought a Taylor big baby ($350).  I liked the Taylor but it didn't have any bottom (bass) end.  I found a used Martin D-16GT for $500 and it was my main guitar for several years with the Taylor as a "back-up". Walked into a local music store one day and picked up a 000 size Blueridge BR-73 and it "grabbed" me. Traded in the Taylor and bought the BR-73 ($550).  As the shoulder problem came back, the dreadnaught size was painful to play so the D-16GT was sold and I picked up a Martin 000-16GT ($650) off of ebay. I was a little disappointed in the Martin at first, but it has opened up over the last year and I really like the sound now - it's getting played more than the Blueridge these days.  Slowly, over the years my "comfort" level has increased from $100 to around $600-$700. 

A friend told me about a 1937 Martin 00-17 in a music store 40 miles away.  I was in the area a couple of days ago and stopped in to see it.  I was surprised when the store owner handed it to me and asked me to play a couple of the songs I've written.  (I'm guessing my friend might have told him I'd be stopping in to look at it some time and the salesman picked up some info on me that might help with the sale.)  I was amazed at the sound coming out of that little axe, but at an asking price of $2500, it was definitely above my "comfort zone". 


I want to read my own water, choose my own path, write my own songs

15 (edited by naolslager 2011-06-08 00:53:51)

Re: Pricing “sweet spot" : What is your comfort zone?

I consider THAT Takamine almost every time I see one. I do like it...and it's affordable.

A funny thing happened on the way to the forum yesterday. I visited a local shop and while rummaging around I picked up an Epi Masterbilt AJ (Rosewood variant). If you recall I just bought (and returned) a Masterbilt DR (mahogany) about a month ago. (It did not speak to me once I got it home.) I don't like the AJ body shape and I am partial to mahogany (or so I thought) but the sound, oh my! This experience caused me to purge all I thought I knew about wood and body shapes.

I will return today for a verification of my experience yesterday and a chance to A/B against the D and the Seagull MJ I am considering. The Epi is a little above my pricing sweet spot BUT it has a blemish and it's been hanging on the wall for a while and I have a good relationship with the manager so...

On the blemish/defect issue: I think that's me. I'm beginning to think if it's got some anomaly then I am MORE attracted to it sort of like picking the puppy that is the runt of the litter or the last to be chosen. And I think part of it is I won't worry so much about something happening to it as it already has character.

Re: Pricing “sweet spot" : What is your comfort zone?

My Guild has got a Rosewood body.  I love the sound of it.  It's time for a string change on that one, so I'm going to depart from my usual D'Addario strings and give Elixir Nano's a try.  I also picked up some D'Addario Phosphor Bronze mediums to try on it. 

I love Old Reliable, but her sound isn't as bold as I'd like.  I've adjusted the action to be very low so that I can learn better barre-chording on her, but I'd like something for campfires, and that Takemine may just be it.  I want to try a Seagull S6 next to it.  The finger board on the Takemine was just a little close.  The S6, if I remember right, is a bit wider.  It's also got the cedar top. 

- Zurf

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude

Re: Pricing “sweet spot" : What is your comfort zone?

Why do I do this? Revisited the Masterbilt AJ - still really like it. I talked the manager into reducing the price to compensate for the blemish. He didn't drop as much as I'd hoped but that was just round 1.

BUT... I picked up a used Guild D40 Bluegrass Jubilee (Tacoma variant). WOW! This thing sounded great and, as they say, practically played itself. However it is significantly out of my price range.

Strolled over to the GADs and played a 30 and a JF48. WOW again! Now that I'm back to multi-variable mathematics again I have much thinking (and saving) to do.

I'm afraid the Masterbilt might be taken out of consideration?

This thread has lost it's way not unlike the originator.

Re: Pricing “sweet spot" : What is your comfort zone?

Zurf wrote:

My Guild has got a Rosewood body.  I love the sound of it.  It's time for a string change on that one, so I'm going to depart from my usual D'Addario strings and give Elixir Nano's a try.  I also picked up some D'Addario Phosphor Bronze mediums to try on it. 

I love Old Reliable, but her sound isn't as bold as I'd like.  I've adjusted the action to be very low so that I can learn better barre-chording on her, but I'd like something for campfires, and that Takemine may just be it.  I want to try a Seagull S6 next to it.  The finger board on the Takemine was just a little close.  The S6, if I remember right, is a bit wider.  It's also got the cedar top. 

- Zurf

I love the sound of rosewood too. My Blueridge is laminated rosewood - not as good sounding as solid wood but still a great sound and a little more forgiving for changing weather conditions and campfire picking. 

I am always on an never ending quest for the perfect strings to suit my ear.  I played Nanos for several years then switched to D'Addario's although they didn't hold their sound near as long.  For the last few years I've been using nothing but Dean Markley Alchemy goldphos as I love the bright sound that lasts a long time.  The last time I ordered some, the on-line dealer had a big sale so I also bought  a set of DR Sunbeams, Dean Markley Helix and Martin Lifespan SP (with Cleartone treatment) to try.  I just sent an order for 4 more sets of the Martins.  All the strings I use these days are 11-52's Martin call them custom lights.


I want to read my own water, choose my own path, write my own songs

Re: Pricing “sweet spot" : What is your comfort zone?

naolslager wrote:

BUT... I picked up a used Guild D40 Bluegrass Jubilee (Tacoma variant). WOW! This thing sounded great and, as they say, practically played itself. However it is significantly out of my price range.

That's the one I bought.  Big, rich, bold sound.  If I have a complaint, it's that the neck is a bit shallow.  I'd like it a bit rounder and thicker more like a Taylor.  That said, I first learned on a classical, so the slightly wider slightly shallower neck of the D40 was familiar the first time I picked it up. 

As far as expense, I bought it at a more or less rock guitar shop.  No one wanted a bluegrass/fingerpicking guitar.  I saved more on it from the on-line prices than I expected to spend in total.  Even with that, it was about double what I expected to pay.  But I had to have it.  I took my wife with me to help with the comparisons and when she heard it and saw the smile on my face, she agreed that I had to have it. 

On Old Reliable, the strings I'm liking best are D'Addario Silk and Steel.  I've been using coated strings on the Guild and so haven't changed them enough yet to come up with a favorite sound.  I'll try the Dean Markleys, but Martin strings and the oils on my fingers don't get along.  I can wear out a set of Martin's in one evening around a campfire. 

- Zurf

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude

Re: Pricing “sweet spot" : What is your comfort zone?

I've never particularly liked Martins either Zurf but the Lifespan SP's are a different breed of cat.  The Cleartone treatment changes the feel and longevity.

I want to read my own water, choose my own path, write my own songs

21 (edited by naolslager 2011-05-26 22:38:51)

Re: Pricing “sweet spot" : What is your comfort zone?

I'm running Martin's Silk & Steel on my two 6-strings AND my 12-string. A nice change and particularly complimentary to a small-bodied (0-size) and my all-mahogany (00-size). But typically I use D'Addario lights.

Oh, and I visited another shop to play a GAD 30R. Nice! Actually now that I am back to considering the Guild GAD (imported) guitars I have so many more options. It's liberating. But the Epi stills haunts me. After all it has a satin finish of which I am partial.

The D-40 was some sort of sunburst finish. Pretty...and the sound!

Re: Pricing “sweet spot" : What is your comfort zone?

Getting back to the original question... I spent $500 on my first guitar back in 1982.  Prior to that, my Dad had bought me a bass and I had borrowed 6 strings..  It was more money than I could afford but I still have that Ovation guitar and it sounds and plays better than ever.  It was a lot of money back then and its a lot of money now but its paid for itself many times over.   Sometimes you do get what you pay for.  My #1 is 30 years old this year.. I should throw it a party.

Now available in 5G !

Re: Pricing “sweet spot" : What is your comfort zone?

Just couldn't do it! I was locked onto an Epiphone Masterbilt Guitar - Rosewood, etc. But after weeks of agonizing I came home with a used (old) Seagull S6 Mahogany Spruce which, not surprisingly, was priced within my sweetspot. The Epi was understandably well above where I like to operate. In the end I just couldn't do it.

Re: Pricing “sweet spot" : What is your comfort zone?

There are too many quality guitars priced under $500 for me to feel comfortable spending over that while my kids are still my dependents. My trusty Takamine eg334 was priced over that but I caught it on clearance. Hopefully upon house clearing of the kids that custom Martin will become reality for me.

Re: Pricing “sweet spot" : What is your comfort zone?

I don't really think you can put a price on LOVE. (and I love all my guitars, from the expensive to the in-expensive). I have a high end guitar that cost me a bundle, but I love it and I'm not afraid to play it (thats important in a guitar purchace). This guitar is way out of my playing ability, but somebody on this site once said "buy a guitar that you can grow with". so thats what I did. I also have an Ibaneze AE that I paid $350. for and I play that alot as well. But your question is about comfort zone, I would say anything under 1K is where I'm at right now. Although one day I will buy another high end guitar to add to my collection and I would like it to be something like Petes new Marin. ( beautiful guitar Pete, I still go back to your old posts and check out the pictures of it).