Topic: I don't know any CCM songs!!!!!!!!

Hey all!!!!
I just recently joinned my friends christian rock/pop band. We are all old friends and have played together in various bands at one time or another. We have a  60's rock n roll/blues feel and are adapting some hymns to our style but none of us know any contemporary christian music that isn't slow or just a chorous over and over. In short we need stuff that isn't borring. We have a couple from Newsboys and from Jars of Clay. Any other suggestions?

"Nobody paints by ear so why would I play guitar by sight?" hmm

Re: I don't know any CCM songs!!!!!!!!

Contrats on the new band affiliation!  Most 'contemporary christian' stuff is not to my liking either - too smarmy or too shallow.  So, here is a suggestion - - - it is a song that is over 1,600 years old.

The title is "The Lorica" (a piece of armor) or also called "St. Patrick's Breastplate".  Saint Patrick himself is believed to be the lyricist.  It was translated from the Gaelic by a woman in the late 1800's and then set to an old traditional Irish tune.  It is both a powerful statement of faith and it is one heck of a tune.

I shall send a copy of the lyrics and chords via private email.  Hope other folks have more ideas for you.  James

"That darn Pythagorean Comma thing keeps messing me up!"