Topic: What's the hardest chord you ever encountered?
Hey everyone,
As a beginning guitarist, I find all KINDS of chords difficult, but I came across a particularly difficult one the other day that make my fingers hurt just thinking about it!
I was playing "My Sweet Lord" by George Harrison (good song for any beginners out there btw) and towards the end, there's an Ebdim7 chord. The chord shape on the right went a little something like this:
e - 3rd fret
B - 1st
G - Open
D - 1st
A - 1st
E - Open
I finally got it by getting the A and D strings down with first finger and B and e with my middle and pinky respectively, but it was still pretty difficult and it's not even easy to do it again.
Thankfully I learned that the dim7 chord is a chord shape that is simply at the first fret in this case, but trying to play it the way it was shown was brutal!
Anywho, I just thought I'd ask everyone what the most difficult chord you've encountered is? Did you ever conquer it or did you substitiute another chord or find an alternate fingering? Are there chords out there that are just really hard or is it all relative?