Topic: words or music
Please dont kill me everyone.But I go more for great lyrics than a scorching solo.As a matter of fact I learned to play so I can put the music to some of the stuff I wrote myself.Does anybody else feel the same or am I a square peg in a round hole here?An example is cold shot by SRV.The guitar work is great but the lyrics are pure artistry to me.When it came out I was having trouble with my girlfriend and I learned to play it with no paperwork or sheet music.When she broke up with me I finally had it down.It didnt get us back together but I still play it all the time.My theory is if it is a song someone likes and can feel it deep inside they will figure it out on their own.That is where the lyrics stand out more than the music,If the words really hit home I will appreciate them more than the music.Sorry everyone but that is how I think.Am I the only one?Am I opening myself up for a bunch of insulting replies?Is it really a shame about Ray? Did everyone have a happy easter?
Nothing In Moderation -- Live Fast. Love Hard. Die Young And Leave A Beautiful Corpse. -- Buy It Today. Cry About It Tomorrow.