Topic: Moderator vacancy
Sadly because of other commitments Alan (alvee33) can no longer devote the necessary time to moderate Chordie. This means that I have to find someone to to take over his duties and because we want the best coverage I need someone from Europe, Asia, Australia or New Zealand as the sections he covers already has someone from America in place.
The duties are not onerous, we rarely have problems with existing Members apart from the occasional copyright infringements so we are generally dealing with spam and spammers or moving posts that are out of section. It will mean logging on at least once a day to check every new post in your allotted sections. Moderators do have their own section that is unseen by anyone else for our private discussions.
Because time differences I think it is only fair to ask anyone who has the time and is interested to e-mail me and I will close the applications in 24 hours, put the names in a hat, close my eyes and pick one out.
I would like to thank Alan for the sterling job he has done whist moderating Chordie, he has been a real asset to the site, and wish him all the best for the future. I am sure we will see him around still and I hope he will not become a stranger.