Topic: A good "Daddy" song?
Hi all! My dad has some stuff going on with his health and I was thinking recently that I want to find a really good "daddy" song that I can learn that will help me work though my own emotions with it, as well as perhaps be able to play/sing for him. I haven't looked around a whole lot yet, but nothing seems to be popping into my head. "our song" is Desperado ... he loves Jim Croce (as do I), Simon and Garfunkle, Train songs (was an engineer on the Railroad), and all kinds of "guitar playing music" from the 50's, 60's, and early 70's. On his birthday this year he'll be turning 60. What kind of song exactly? I'm not sure, but something that would be like an Ode to Dad, maybe even upbeat, but not necessarily. Any ideas????
What constitutes excellent music is in the ears of the listener.