Topic: Snark Tuner
So, the hubster and I were out guitar shopping (yes, HE got a new one for us to play with but that will be a different post!) and we came across a really NEAT little tuner made by Snark. The display is BRILLIANT which is pretty awesome, it clips right onto the guitar - also awesome, and works by vibration which is kinda awesome. I do think the vibration makes for a much better reading, however my guitar vibrates when he's playing his at the same time and I'll get a read out even if I'm not plucking any strings so I'm not positive how perfect it is for using in a crowded location BUT... it's gotta be better than nothing when using an unplugged acoustic! Pretty neat! BONUS... we paid less than Snark's suggested $29... I think we only paid $21 for it!
What constitutes excellent music is in the ears of the listener.