Topic: do u guys know any good

do u guys know any good songs that strum in the way of down, down, up, up, down?

Re: do u guys know any good


What you're asking for could be countless number of songs.  Is there a reason why you choose to find songs only to this strumming?  Strumming a song can be done in number of ways, so why limit yourself to just that pattern?  Also, a song may have more than one guitar playing and strumming.  Which one will you choose?

Re: do u guys know any good

One thing that I like to do is take a song that I already know and like and try playing it using different strumming patterns.  I used the chords that were posted on Chordie for "Country Roads"  and with some palm muting and nice distortion  for the chorus came up with a modern sounding piece that sounds nothing like the original.  Have fun and don't be afraid to try different things.

Re: do u guys know any good

If you are using alternate up and down strokes
then down, down, up, up, down suggest a certain rythm and time signature

V      V       n      n      V
1/4    1/8   1/4   1/8   1/4

Its 4/4 time

could be put to many songs

not instantly recognisable  though.

not as common as straight eighths, down strokes or 16ths

Re: do u guys know any good

Yeah ive only been learning the guitar for a couple of months, and finding it hard to change strumming patterns, so im thinking it might be easyier for me to learn all the chords first on the one stumming pattern and then move on to it, What do u guys think?

Re: do u guys know any good

I would be worried that you'd get too into the way of only playing one strum pattern. Mix it up and try to get used to playing different patterns.

It's a real pain at first, it doesn't seem long ago at all since I was having the same struggles. Just stick at it and keep on DOES get better honest!

All I got, is a red guitar, three chords and the truth

Re: do u guys know any good

Cheers bud_wiser, i might give it a go.

Did u teach urself or did u have lessons?

Re: do u guys know any good

Hi Vico, I taught myself. I've been playing for about 18 months now and I'm as hopelessly addicted to it as the rest of the Chordians around these here parts big_smile

Practising and listening to the song you're trying to play closely are the only real tips I can give in my relatively short experience.


All I got, is a red guitar, three chords and the truth

Re: do u guys know any good


Your strumming pattern and timing will come with more practice and knowledge.  Most of the folks on this site would agree that learning chords and chord progressions are some of the major goals you can set for yourself.  First learn your whole chords, switching between them.  Then, try adding the minor chords to your arsenal.  With just these alone, you will be able to play over 500 songs.  If not more.

Re: do u guys know any good

Hey mate,

You sound like you're in a similar postion to myself. I've only been playing for about 10 months. But i found that strum pattern came very naturally and i could sing along to it without forgeting what my fingers were doing.....  Anyways i found the following songs worked well for me:

Time of your Life by Green Day,  Leaving on a jet plane, Throw your arms around me by hunters & collectors,  Stand by me by John Lennon, Have a nice day by Stereophonics, and my personal fave is Letter to my Penis by Rodney Carrington.