Topic: Its been a long time!!

Hi guys how is everyone?

A few years back i used this site religiously to learn to play the guitar, i sat for a long time each day learning new chords and songs and I thought I'd never get there!! Well I did get there, and I played in pubs, at parties, in the street and just about got banned from a pub for playing in a beer garden when another band were on and they all came to hear me!

Well i decided that playing along acoustic had run its course for me and decided to form a band. I have written songs for as long as I learned to play and your very own Roger Guppy recorded one of my first songs a few years back. So I thought I'd give you a taste of what we've done.

This song is called Blow and i wrote it after suffering from depression for 2 years and deciding it was time to screw the nut, and then I thought I should use it as a positive rather than a negative.

Anyway enough of my rambling, if you like this one, check out the other 2 songs we recorded bare in mind these are done in the rehearsal rooms and will be recorded professionally as soon as we can get the funds!!!

Our band is called Papa Hotel.

If you like it, leave a comment on it :-)

Re: Its been a long time!!

Sounds great, scrimmy! Beside kicking ***, it has a nice bluesy feeling to it. smile You know, your example is an inspiration to me as Im just a beginner like you were a few years ago. Its nice to know that time spent here couple with sufficient practice will lead to results! smile I too plan to form a band one day, probably something rock too. Once again, thanks!

Re: Its been a long time!!

TapTapJam wrote:

Sounds great, scrimmy! Beside kicking ***, it has a nice bluesy feeling to it. smile You know, your example is an inspiration to me as Im just a beginner like you were a few years ago. Its nice to know that time spent here couple with sufficient practice will lead to results! smile I too plan to form a band one day, probably something rock too. Once again, thanks!

Thanks very much bud, stick at it, you can only get out of it exactly what you put in, and this is the place to be for that to happen.