Topic: jackson guitars good or not?

i seen jackson guitars advertised in a magazine and thought they looked all right, do they sound good?

2 (edited by bootleger 2007-06-02 18:04:11)

Re: jackson guitars good or not?

Jackson was started in the late 70's, early 80's by I beliveve Grover Jackson and Wayne Charvel. At the time they cranked out some of the leading edge axes. I had $ 2500.00 in my pocket in the Guitar Center (before they became a Department store mentallity guitar shop) any ways I was buying more equipment and almost put down $1200.00(American) for a Jackson(in 1985). It played great but it was purple and thats why I did not buy it.

To get back to your question yes their are some Jackson's that are worth the money. The vintage of the early year made ones and the USA made Jacksons. The newer ones like everyone else are made in an Asian factory (don't know which one) as The Jackson name is now owned by a conglomeration. Thats not to say that they are not good it's just a bit of history on the Jackson guitar. As with all brands their are some great one's and some dogs. Play them all until you find the one you like.
