1 (edited by tubatooter1940 2011-01-05 09:49:02)

Topic: Song I Have Long Wanted to Record - "Trailer Park in Heaven"

I love this song Antsy McClain wrote when he was with the Trailer Park Troubadors. I bugged John Reno to record this song after noting the huge positive reaction audiences had to it when John sang it and I sang the third over harmony with him.
He still might get to it someday but right now he is recording primarily original songs he writes. (www.johnreno.com)
I wanted to show you guys this song but it is not available on U-Tube in the album version.
Using my new T.C. Helicon harmonizer pedal, I am able to show you how the harmony goes on my crude attempt at this fun song.
The song is in "G". I had my grandson, Casey film my hands so you guys can get the chords. I Googled and got the lyrics.


We pronounce it "Guf Coast".
Ya'll wanna go down to the Guf?

Re: Song I Have Long Wanted to Record - "Trailer Park in Heaven"

I've been a Antsy fan for several years. Some real good KY humor.  My favorite (and one I've played many times) is "I was Just Flipped Off by a Silver Haired Old Lady With a Honk if You Love Jesus Sticker on the Bumper of her Car."  Ya gotta love lyrics like that.

Loved watching/listening to your cover.


I want to read my own water, choose my own path, write my own songs