Topic: My Puter is dead RIP

well it finely happened my old reliable HP Pavilion running a windows xp home edition gave up the ghost the hard drive is kaput when I start it the logo screen comes on then the windows welcome screen with the lights scrolling across the bottom and then Poof and my monitor says "no signal" I am able to start it in safe mode and I have tried system restore that works and the computer starts after a very long time and runs normally but when I shut down and try a restart NADA same thing,I was able to get it going again and downloaded TweakU (from windows) its supposed to fix the problem but nooooooooo sad  I was trying to eliminate the start screens and go directly to the desk screen but no luck so it looks like I will have to buy another dinosaur cheap to replace it because I run my digital recorder to it to make mp3's in Audacity and as a backup to my Gateway Vista ho ho ho sad

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: My Puter is dead RIP

My condolences

Rule No. 1 - If it sounds good - it is good!

Re: My Puter is dead RIP

Sorry to hear that russell,I have an hp desktop and a hp laptop I love them both they are good units. My desktop is so old it is running microsoft me!!. to bad it happened at this time of the year but is is an excuse to buy a new one. I just had to replace the ball joints and rest of front suspension on my car cost me $700.00,so there went my new guitar.

my papy said son your going too drive me too drinking if you dont stop driving that   Hot  Rod  Lincoln!! Cmdr cody and his lost planet airman

Re: My Puter is dead RIP

Gateway Vista?? Holy hell, is that the curse of eternal damnation???!!!

Now available in 5G !

Re: My Puter is dead RIP


Devon mentioned something about you having drive troubles..... You might just consider replacing the hard drive if everything else is still running without problems.  Drives are not that spendy these days.  On a brighter note though, it's another thing to add to your "Santa" list.

Take Care;

"what is this quintessence of dust?"  - Shakespeare

Re: My Puter is dead RIP

Guitars get better with age, 'nuf said.

Re: My Puter is dead RIP

yes he gave me a link to a affordable drive but I am not sure what to do after its installed I dont have the setup disk for the windows xp home edition, this is unknown territory for me

Doug_Smith wrote:


Devon mentioned something about you having drive troubles..... You might just consider replacing the hard drive if everything else is still running without problems.  Drives are not that spendy these days.  On a brighter note though, it's another thing to add to your "Santa" list.

Take Care;

"Growing old is not for sissies"

8 (edited by bunbun 2010-12-16 06:26:12)

Re: My Puter is dead RIP

If the rest of the computer is ok then just replace the HD. You can probably get a copy of XP on ebay but you cannot buy it anymore. If you do go the new HD then try to see if there is anyone with a copy of XP that you can borrow. You might be surprised at how many there are out there. You might also wanna try to go to HP's website and see if they have the recovery disc that they can send you. It may cost about 15 bucks if they have one.

Remember that microsoft or HP may not have updated drivers for the computer and you might have to install Vista or Windows 7.

If you have not taken it in to get it looked at you might wanna do that before you spend for a new HD. It could be your vid card/chip. I had the same issue with two of my laptops. It was not the HD. I burned the vid chips out playing Call Of Duty on-line.  If that is the case try to install a new Motherboard. It will be cheaper, in most cases than buying a new computer.

Re: My Puter is dead RIP

Thank you for the information I do remember when it happened the first time that I was able to start it in safe mode and the blue screen came on with white lettering it was running a test and it said a drive was acting erratic I do have a friend who is a programmer and I will ask him to take a look if the new hard drive has the capacity I will install vista thanks again smile

bunbun wrote:

If the rest of the computer is ok then just replace the HD. You can probably get a copy of XP on ebay but you cannot buy it anymore. If you do go the new HD then try to see if there is anyone with a copy of XP that you can borrow. You might be surprised at how many there are out there. You might also wanna try to go to HP's website and see if they have the recovery disc that they can send you. It may cost about 15 bucks if they have one.

Remember that microsoft or HP may not have updated drivers for the computer and you might have to install Vista or Windows 7.

If you have not taken it in to get it looked at you might wanna do that before you spend for a new HD. It could be your vid card/chip. I had the same issue with two of my laptops. It was not the HD. I burned the vid chips out playing Call Of Duty on-line.  If that is the case try to install a new Motherboard. It will be cheaper, in most cases than buying a new computer.

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: My Puter is dead RIP

Save your files while you are able to run in safe mode.  I'll bet your mother board is giving up.  Good luck.

You can see all my video covers on [url][/url]
I have finally found happiness in my life.  Guitars, singing, beer and camping.  And they all intertwine wonderfully.

Re: My Puter is dead RIP

its quite possible I have had this PC for at least three years or more and it was given to me by a friend who got it from his mother when she got a new one and who knows how long she had it perhaps the best thing is to take it to a PC repair and find out what the problem is either way its going to cost a $100 or so to fix I may be better spending the money on a new or good used one smile

bensonp wrote:

Save your files while you are able to run in safe mode.  I'll bet your mother board is giving up.  Good luck.

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: My Puter is dead RIP

I thought you said your putter is dead, which sometimes comes with old age there, Russell, but you said your puter. smile

You can see all my video covers on [url][/url]
I have finally found happiness in my life.  Guitars, singing, beer and camping.  And they all intertwine wonderfully.

Re: My Puter is dead RIP

Nothing wrong with my putter I can still sink a few old age or not but my Computer just had a cardiac arrest lol

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: My Puter is dead RIP

I may be able to get you a hard drive and maybe even one imaged for XP.  Let me check with a buddy.  He restores computers as a hobby and has a bunch of spares around.  Too bad he's in Virginia instead of Wisconsin, else you'd probably be able to get your computer repaired for a game of chess and a chocolate sundae then have a jam session because my buddy's a pretty good picker too. 

- Zurf

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude

Re: My Puter is dead RIP

that would be nice I have a chess buddy who is a computer whiz coming over tomorrow morning to do a diagnostic and see what the problem really is I will post a report in this thread when I know the reasons for the meltdown and how to fix it smile

Zurf wrote:

I may be able to get you a hard drive and maybe even one imaged for XP.  Let me check with a buddy.  He restores computers as a hobby and has a bunch of spares around.  Too bad he's in Virginia instead of Wisconsin, else you'd probably be able to get your computer repaired for a game of chess and a chocolate sundae then have a jam session because my buddy's a pretty good picker too. 

- Zurf

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: My Puter is dead RIP

My friend the computer tech came over and located the problem on one of the system restores it loaded a program that was deleted but some of the files could not be restored and this is what was causing the shutdown during boot he is bringing a registry cleaner over to fix this and we may wind up installing the entire OS and re installing a new Windows operating system he has all the things needed to do this its fortunate he is a friend I liked watching him rip thru the various programing screens to locate the culprit he is at ease like me on my git fiddle smile

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: My Puter is dead RIP

It's always cool to see someone who knows what he/she is doing get whatever it is done.  I remember having an electrician friend over here one time to inspect my rough-ins and do the terminations for me.  There were four of us standing around watching him work in sheer awe of his skill. 

- Zurf

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude

Re: My Puter is dead RIP

Good to hear your not going to lose any files.  smile

It's always nice to have a friend that can jump in and save the day.

Just Keepin on Keepin on
Martin DC15E
Cort MR710F
Squire Strat (Chinese)

Re: My Puter is dead RIP

Hi Russell,

  You might also run an application called Spin Rite to make sure the drive is in good shape as well before loading all the files back on it.  I think it is a freely available app that you can google.

  Most drive manufacturers require that you run some sort of verification process on drives suspected of being defective and I have one from Western Digital that actually re-sectors  the drive and puts it back to factory new specs.  Then runs speed tests and media verifications.....  if the drive won't pass that one, it's junk and gets replaced or warranted.

Good Luck and hope you are up and running again real soon!

Take Care;

"what is this quintessence of dust?"  - Shakespeare

Re: My Puter is dead RIP

spin rite thanks Doug I will mention it to my friend I think he is leaning toward wiping the drive clean and re installing the OS from a disk so all the old files that were created from the previous owner would be gone thanks for the info and merry chrismas to you and yours smile

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: My Puter is dead RIP

Hi Russell, I completely erased my dell pc(laptop) and reloaded all the drivers and OS about a year ago and this computer is still running great. It's good to have someone who knows what their doing...I was a nervous wreck doing mine but I had Riddler on the phone who was talking me through the process, thank goodness. The good thing about reloading all the os and drivers is that you will have the option of just loading the stuff you will use/need,,I'm sure it's the same with hp but Dell has a list of all the "must have drivers" listed on their webpage and the order they must be installed for the pc to work properly. Good luck and let us know how it all works out.


"I'm not going to buy my kids an encyclopedia. Let them walk to school like I did." Yogi Berra
"It's like deja vu all over again." Yogi Berra
and my personal favorite Yogi Berra quote: "Ninety percent of this game is half mental."

Re: My Puter is dead RIP

Good for you russell,it is great to have friends like that. Got to buy him his favorite drink or lunch.

my papy said son your going too drive me too drinking if you dont stop driving that   Hot  Rod  Lincoln!! Cmdr cody and his lost planet airman

Re: My Puter is dead RIP

As I walked out of my office and noticed the Windows 98 PC sitting in the doorway I thought - hmmmmmmm - I wonder if Russell could use some parts.  So check with your dude and see if you need anything out of this sucker.  I'd like to get rid of it and keep missing the electronics recycling day at the dump. 

- Zurf

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude

Re: My Puter is dead RIP

will do Zurf he is comming back sometime early next week but with Christmas so near I dont want to press him he has a family and most likely will be busy it can wait another week till after the holidays I still have my Gateway running smooth I appriciate the suggestion and all of the comments,Scott it must have been a little hair raising when you get down to messing with the drives good thing Randy was there to help smile

Zurf wrote:

As I walked out of my office and noticed the Windows 98 PC sitting in the doorway I thought - hmmmmmmm - I wonder if Russell could use some parts.  So check with your dude and see if you need anything out of this sucker.  I'd like to get rid of it and keep missing the electronics recycling day at the dump. 

- Zurf

"Growing old is not for sissies"