Is this a true Fender brand pickup, I have not heard the term "Revoice" before. If you bought it brand new than Fender provides a wiring schmatic if not than go to their website ( and you can download schematics for all their electric guitars. Also is this a single coil or humbucker pickup. Typically a single coil will have two wires one black (goes to ground or earth for you "Brits"
) and the white is the hot wire, on a strat it would be landed on the third post of your five way switch.
The also make single coil (double stacked) humbuckers.
If it is the standard humbucker pickup than it can be a 2-wire or what they call a 4 wire (it has five wires) usually green, red, white, black & bare. Bare & green gets put together and goes to ground, black goes to the volme pot, red and white goes together and gets landed on your 3 or 5 way switch (Fender type).
This will at least give you an idea, if not email me with more info and we'll work it out.