Topic: Song Error
Funny how time slips away by Willie Nelson is missing lyrics and chords. Tough way to start just becoming a member!
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Guitar chord forum - chordie → Chordie's Chat Corner → Song Error
Funny how time slips away by Willie Nelson is missing lyrics and chords. Tough way to start just becoming a member!
Welcome to chordie par4 - If you'd spend a bit of time reading and researching, you would find that chordie is a search engine specialising on chopro-files. As most other search engines, it does not host any of the indexed files. Chordie does not exercise any editorial control over the information users may find at these locations and is neither associated with nor responsible for the content on these sites. (from resources tab)
If you find a better version of a song, you can request that it be added to the chordie database here:
Hi par4 good to see you here,I just went to willies music here at chordie and it had the chords and words. sometimes you will get a version that is missing something,if you can not find it look at my songbook in the blues and rock area,I put it in there.
Hi par4 welcome to Chordie. Chordie is a search engine unless you are posting original material, enjoy and welcome aboard
Guitar chord forum - chordie → Chordie's Chat Corner → Song Error
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