Topic: Dance Round the Maypole- (Roy Wood) Acid Gallery

Hey everyone,
This is a classic rare jem from a band called acid gallary but written by Roy Wood. Jeff Lynn is supposedly on backing vocals as well. It is a truely awesome track and I would be forever greatful if someone could please please please tab it for me.
Its on youtube. Check it out at

''Things fall apart, especially the neat order of rules and laws. The way we look at the world is the way we really are. See it from a far god and everything looks cheerful. Clamped to a higher plateau and you'll see plunder an murder. Truth and Beauty are in the eye of the beholder. I stoped trying to figure everthing out a long time ago''
-Bob Dylan, Masked and Annoymous

Re: Dance Round the Maypole- (Roy Wood) Acid Gallery

Hi Youngfella,

Sorry not to tell you the chords right away, but I'll show you a way to find out yourself. I had a quick listen to the song, and it seems that the Chordino plugin could figure out most of the chords in there, the song seems easy enough.
See demos here: (installation) (demo on a song)

If you can't figure the chords out this way, I'll have a look into telling you the chords personally smile

Cheers. T

Re: Dance Round the Maypole- (Roy Wood) Acid Gallery

Hi Youngfella!  There's no way I can tab anything out... I'm not anywhere near capable of that yet.  Hopefully someone will show up that can... but it looks like tausend may have an answer.  I'm curious to learn more!  In the meantime, here's a little wiki on the song.  Apparently, if you have a copy of their single it's worth some MONEY!  wink

Welcome to Chordie Tausend!  This looks interesting... I searched online and couldn't find any reviews of the software Sonic Visualiser however.  I am curious to learn more about this.  Could you please take a moment to do a little write up about your experience with the software?  You will need to start a new thread, as we don't want to hijack Youngfella's thread with too much info on software.  I'd really appreciate it!  Thanks!!  smile


Art and beauty are in the eyes of the beholder.
What constitutes excellent music is in the ears of the listener.