Topic: Help Me Pull The Trigger!!!
So I've got $125 in Amazon gift cards burning a hole in my pocket and I feel like a need a new toy to help fight this in-between-job depression.
A buck-and-a-quarter doesn't go too far on Amazon (with shipping and all), but it can buy me a couple of extra cheapo ukes to have around for my grandchildren. It's also about halfway to a better uke for myself and about 1/3 of the way to a low-end banjo uke, which is what I REALLY want. Of course, I can live without ANY of these things.
In this economy, it's really tough to spend on "toys" when basic expenses are getting harder to meet. Can anybody make me feel better about either:
1. Blowing the whole $125 on a couple of beater ukes
2. Packing the gift cards away until I have enough to afford something better?