Topic: Find Songbook

Hi All.
I think I have published my songbook 3 times but no matter what I try I cant seem to find it, I type in the exact name to search but no luck. Any suggestions? Thanks

Re: Find Songbook

I know that if you go above the alpabet by the top of chordie you will see a place where it says my songbook.  If you are looking at all public songbooks,you can search around under different catorgories  like rock ,country ,blues misc. etc,have patience there are alot of them out there.

my papy said son your going too drive me too drinking if you dont stop driving that   Hot  Rod  Lincoln!! Cmdr cody and his lost planet airman

Re: Find Songbook

Thanks for reply dino. Tried that. My songbook is called Easy Accoustics, but if I search for that it doesnt appear. I will try again though when I have a lot more time

Re: Find Songbook

Hi Chris,

I have had a good search and I cannot find any songbook called "Easy Acoustics".

If you go to 'My Songbook' and click on the one you think is public you will see the title "Easy Acoustics" and underneath, Note: This songbook is public. if you do not have this message then it is not public.

Just in case I will run throught the publish proceedure:

When you click on 'Publish' (the bottom button) you are taken to another page where you complete the 'Short Name', 'Category' and 'Description'. Then click on the 'Put online' button at the bottom you should then be taken back to your songbook title with Note: This songbook is public underneath. Go straight to 'Public books' and yours will be there at the top of the list. Mine is there now as I unpublished and republished to make sure I got this right for you smile.


"Do, or do not; there is no try"