Topic: Chord help on songs
I am trying to find the right guitar chords for playing "Brown Eyed Girl" in the key of D
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Guitar chord forum - chordie → Song requests → Chord help on songs
I am trying to find the right guitar chords for playing "Brown Eyed Girl" in the key of D
Welcome to Chordie Lpeterson!
Please take a few minutes to browse the various sections on the Forum where you will find topics labled "Sticky". There you will find some general guidelines and suggestions to help you get the most out of your Chordie experience.
To direct you in the right direction however, you should either take your request to the "song Requests" section, or you hit the tab on the top of this page labled "Songs". The Songs Tab will take you to another page where you can choose the first letter or letters of the title you are looking for, which will then take you to another page where you can locate the exact song you are seeking. There will likely be several versions available from many artists who may have recorded it and I'm sure you will find a version you will be able to get around.
Once you have located the page with the song you want to learn, over on the right side of the page there will be an option to choose which tuning and make adjustments to the key so that the whole will be transposed as you would prefer. That's a really neat feature of the Chopro format that Chordie is based on.... on the fly formatting.
Please bear in mind that Chordie does not host any songs directly on it's servers but rather works as a directory to music that is available elsewhere on the web (so you don't have to go through the tedious searching on your own). There are a few limits to what you can avail yourself of here, but not many.... and almost none that are limited by Chordie itself, but rather by some other entity who may have restricted access out of some inflated sense of ownership.
So with that, once again I would like to extend a hearty Welcome to the Chordie Community, where the only requirements for membership are an interest in music, an open mind, and a sense of respect and courtesy to others. There is a whole bunch of folks here from around the globe willing and able to encourage and assist you in your musical journey. Jump right in and hang on!
Welcome Aboard!
Take Care;
Hello Louie and welcome to Chordie,
I have moved your message to it's rightful place for you.
I have just looked in the index and see that there are 14 versions of this song listed and as Doug has already pointed out transposing to the key of your choice is only a button click away.
Welcome to Chordie Lpeterson! Let us know if you still can't figure out how to do it here and we can walk you through it more. I think Doug's got you going in the right direction though!
And the good thing is: It works like a charm... both the transposing and "brown eyed girl" in D...
D,G and A.
Thanks for the advice Chordie friends - I am a junior member to the forum, but have used Chordie for awhile now. I have looked through the different songs listed for Brown Eyed Girl but when playing the Bm, it just doesn't sound quite right. I thought there might be a different translation.
I think that in D the one I looked at in chordie says it should be a Bbm and I agree this doesn't sound right. The rest sounds good. I had a listen to the original on Youtube and I figured out why. It is Tab'ed out there so you don't play a chord if you want to sound like Van Morrison. Have a listen and see for yourself. The tabs are easy enough to figure out so I will let you. If you play a chord for it then Bm is the closest you will get but Van M. Tabs it- goodluck
Dear friends, I believe it's gotta be a B minor if you're in D. That chord shape occurs so frequently and is so important we must do reps of it until we can make in our sleep.
Guitar chord forum - chordie → Song requests → Chord help on songs
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