Topic: "One or Two Good People..."

This is just a song about life. You meet quite a few forgettable people in life but one or two keepers.

One or Two Good People… By Jeff Gilpin

September 30th, 2010

Intro… [C] [F] [G]

Verse 1

[C]Met a [F]man with [C]different [F]views

To [C]make it [F]through this [G]life

[C]Floating a[F]long on [C]other [F]folks

[C]Preaching ‘bout [F]struggle and [G]strife

[F]Had answers to [C]everything

Said [G]life just wasn’t [Am]fair

[C]Seemed to [F]me he was [C]looking [F]for

Some[C]body [F]else too [C]care

Verse 2

[C]Met a [F]girl with [C]golden [F]skin

Quite [C]early [F]in my [G]youth

[C]Said she [F]fell in [C]love with [F]me

[C]…Was the [F]gods honest [G]truth

[F]Guess her love [C]was short lived

Or [G]maybe just a [Am]lie

[C]Soon she [F]found a[C]nother [F]

And [C]then she [F]said good[C]bye


[G]Amazing people you [C]meet in life

And [Am]share some moments [G]with

Some can last a [C]life time

While [Am]others are short [G]lived

[F]Swindlers and [C]conmen and [G]girls with twinkly [Am]eyes

And [C]one or [F]two good [C]people [F]you

Want [C]always [G]by your [C]side [G]

Verse 3

[C]Met a [F]man in [C]Germa[F]ny

[C]Far off a[F]cross the [G]seas

Through [C]working to[F]gether 'n [C]sharing [F]thoughts

[C]Friends we [F]came to [G]be

He [F]rode to Scandi[C]navia

On a [G]Harley David[Am]son

[C]Came back [F]with a Nor[C]wegian [F]wife

But [C]without [F]her hus[C]band

Verse 4

[C]Met a [F]girl in [C]Oma[F]ha

A [C]student [F]from a [G]far

[C]Double [F]dating [C]with my [F]friend

He [C]didn’t [F]get very [G]far

[F]She became a [C]friend of mine

[G]Eventually my [Am]wife

[C]Best move [F]that I [C]ever [F]made

For [C]now she [F]is my [C]life


[G]Amazing people you [C]meet in life

And [Am]share some moments [G]with

Some can last a [C]life time

While [Am]others are short [G]lived

[F]Swindlers and [C]conmen and [G]girls with twinkly [Am]eyes

And [C]one or [F]two good [C]people [F]you

Want [C]always [G]by your [F]side[C]

J  E  T  S
...and yet a Washington Commanders fan (unless they change their name again) ...long story...HTT...C

Re: "One or Two Good People..."

Nice one Jeff,

Any prizes for guessing who the girl fom Omaha is?

I just broke out the 12er and gave it a whirl, and an interesting change starting the chorus with G, which nearly caught me out the first time. Well done.

I may have mentioned this before but any chance of a recording?  smile


PS You might want to break the last line of the chorus in to two lines to prevent the overwriting of the chords.

"Do, or do not; there is no try"

Re: "One or Two Good People..."

On the button with the girl I met in Omaha. I was just trying to break up the song a little with the different tune in the chorus. How does the chorus look now? I adjusted it a little. Recordings are delayed due to an extended house guest stay (taking my recording space)...and a constant stream of short term visitors but it will be added to my list.

J  E  T  S
...and yet a Washington Commanders fan (unless they change their name again) ...long story...HTT...C

Re: "One or Two Good People..."

Cool Tune Jeff,

It reminds me of a song by Death Cab for Cutie, called "Steadier Footing."  The chorus is as follows:

"The people we've met in the last five years,
will we remember them in ten more."

Keep on posting these tunes.  I concur with Roger, can't wait to hear a recording.


Music is my savior/I was maimed by Rock and Roll/I was tamed by Rock and Roll/I got my name/From Rock and Roll

-Jeff Tweedy

Re: "One or Two Good People..."

Thanks Dan - I'll have to listen to the Death Cab song - I like what I have heard from them but I haven't heard that one. As I told Roger, I'm I have people living in what was my recording studio right now so my recording stuff has been broken up for their move in and I would have to set it back up in another location with worse acoustics. I cannot afford some of the professional work I have done in the past so it will be scratches when I get to them.

J  E  T  S
...and yet a Washington Commanders fan (unless they change their name again) ...long story...HTT...C

Re: "One or Two Good People..."

good song jets, I got a shock about two years ago when A girl I used too date almost 40 years ago called me up!!!. we talked for a little on the phone and we email each other almost every day. She is happily married but she just wanted to come back in my life as a friend.

my papy said son your going too drive me too drinking if you dont stop driving that   Hot  Rod  Lincoln!! Cmdr cody and his lost planet airman

Re: "One or Two Good People..."

Yeah, facebook has helped me get reacquainted with some of my friends from the past. I haven't found the girl from the song (not the one I married) but I'm sure she is okay. She called me a few years after I was married and wanted to come visit me in Germany but I let her know I was married with children at the time so a visit was not a great idea. That was back in 1984 and I haven't heard from her since.

J  E  T  S
...and yet a Washington Commanders fan (unless they change their name again) ...long story...HTT...C